Don't get me wrong I do believe in All Lives Matter. It's not a term that offends me, I do believe it's a basic human right of all people and I don't see it as a cop out to give white people or anyone privelage over people of color
HOWEVER my country has a serious injustice problem and there's only one way to solve. Reform the police system and find a way to make us all one again and don't make excuses for bad cops who shouldn't be on the force in the first place. Black Lives do Matter as well as any others who've been effected by injustice.
Don't forget covid 19 is still a thing so now looks like a bad time for stuff like this. However considering history and the fact that things like this are still going on then fuck Corona virus because this is way more important. Art by Sawyer aka
Everything in the lyrics is what we're in to ask "Where is the Love" and whatever happened to values of humanity, whatever happened to the fairness in equalities
Everything in the lyrics is what we're in to ask "Where is the Love" and whatever happened to values