So.. Who else here remembers Drakefenwick's Crushed: the Doomed Kitty Adventures? From the old Supermegatopia website, it was a nice, funny comic about furry adventurers in a D&D-inspired fantasy world inhabited almost entirely by furries, which had a fun core mechanic: Adventurers were technically immortal.
Oh, they could die in many, MANY ways, but they always ended up getting resurrected at one of the Temples of Infinite Lives, minus their equipment and clothing. Crushed was one such adventurer who would routinely go on adventures to farm loot and try (and fail) to avoid dying, and was soon accompanied by other adventurers, such as Red Stephie, Gnaw and Purity. And they would all routinely end up respawning butt naked, for some nice fanservice.
I've missed this comic, and while I don't begrudge Drake moving on to new things, I always wanted to see Crushed make a comeback. And then it hit me: Why don't I make her come back? So, with Drakefenwick's permission, here she is: Crushed Dume, professional adventurer of the world of... ...I don't think the world was ever named, although I can definitely come up with some ideas.
Yes. I'm not just remaking the old comic, I'm gonna forge ahead in bold, new directions, taking inspiration from the old comic as well as classic D&D elements, but also more modern influences, like the swarm of Isekai anime, the Lord of the Rings saga, and Game of Thrones... ...sorta. We'll see.
Also, enjoy this G-rated pic of Crushed. This is probably the last time she'll be this clean for a while. Things might get... ...messy.