Light, padded paws crept upon the rotting wood of the houseboat, stopping once for a small nose to lift itself up and sniff at the air, then move forward again with an air of feverish anticipation.
Tito had waited for this moment for a long time, three months to be exact, three months since he’d first laid his eyes upon the most tantalising catch he could ever dream of. A light framed body adorned in orange fuzz, laden with juicy kitten fat and topped of with the sweetest, softest smell that Tito and the other canine’s loved to drink up for various reasons.
“Oliver....” the name itself made a small sliver of droll leak out of the chihuahuas mouth, a pink tongue slurping out to pull lit back in, the sweet smell of young feline strengthening as Tito advanced further into the houseboat. So close now.
The orange kitten twitched and mewled in his restless sleep, a grimace emerging on his whiskered chin. In his dreaming state his mind brought up images of gnashing teeth and stinking dog maws lashing out at him, trying to snap him up into their dark, warm depths. Of long necks and sharp teeth and smelly, acrid stomachs convulsing around his young body, sapping it of all life and form, churning him up into a digestive soup.
His eyes fluttered open and Oliver found himself staring, sleepy eyed and dazed, at a most strange was the dog maw from his dreams, opened wide and thick with the scent of kibble, dangling in front of his still half-asleep form.
The maw shoved forward and with lightning reflexes Oliver flung his body off the basket and rolled onto the wooden floor, confused and scared. “what the h-” he began but just as quick as he regained his footing the creature jumped forward again in an all too real attempt to devour him, sharp teeth glistening with white shine, drool flinging forward before the jaws even reach their destination.
Oliver was quick to react again, ducking his head and then shoving it forward right into the chest of the predatory creature as it’s horrible jaws snapped shut above him before following the rest of its body onto the floor beside him.
The dog growled in pain and then opened it’s eyes to glare at him with a menacing, hungry glare. The brown tuft of hair ruffled and his stuck in a snarl of both pain and anger. It was Tito! But why was Oliver's own friend trying to attack him?
“Hungry” came the reply as if the Chihuahua could read his mind “wanted to eat you since the day you came here, couldn’t get a chance before but now that you’re sleeping in your own room....” The diminutive pup, smaller than Oliver but much heavier, rose back up to his feet and the cat tensed, ready for another pounce. “it’s that damned smell of yours, can’t live with it anymore chico....I need you inside me.”
He advanced forward, every step he took forward the cat took one back until finally he had the feline backed up against a wall terrified, shaking and unable to even voice a plea for help. “Time to go, meatball.”
When he would look back at this moment the next day Oliver couldn’t explain what made him do it, but as he watched the dog advance upon him with an arrogant stride and then meet him nose to nose, a smirk on his face as he took a moment to savour the last moment with his desired prey, Oliver opened his own maw and leapt forward.
The Chihuahua’s eyes fluttered down to that kitten jaw, filled with sharp cat teeth still in their infancy and, and then widened when they closed down on his snout. “mmmphhh!” he growled and tried to pull himself out with considerable force, almost succeeding until the cat dug his own claws into the ground and began to move forward with slow, deliberate gulps. The last thing Tito would see in this world, the sweet smell of cat replaced now by the stench of it’s breath, was Oliver’s determined and wild eyes staring into his. The same look the Chihuahua had held only a moment before.
Gulp gulp slurp
Soon the entirety of the Chihuahuas’ fat head was in Oliver’s maw and neck wriggling feverishly in a futile attempt to escape its digestive fate. To Oliver the feeling of having a much larger animal inside him, filling him up with all of the meat and wriggles and whimpers was delicious, he was like a great lion of the savannah devouring a zebra, or a tiger snacking upon a rabbit. This was his meal. He’d turned the tables upon this treacherous dog and now he was the one that got the tasty reward.
And Tito did taste quite interesting, Oliver taking a moment to stretch his neck out and fold those kicking canine forepaws under the dog’s chest where they couldn’t scratch or claw at him. He tasted somewhat beefy, a rough feline tongue sliding along the underside of his breast to lap away at the flavour there, beefy and strong. Just the way Oliver liked it.
For his part the subject of Oliver’s little act of predation was not enjoying himself, finding that the thick walls of moist muscle that surrounded him tightened and squirmed in a most uncomfortable manner. The cat’s sandpaper like tongue taking bits of Tito’s fur with it as it slurped and slouched all of his canine form. “s-stomph!” The dog tried to whimper through the muscle, skin and fur of Oliver’s neck. This wasn’t right, cat’s didn’t eat dogs! This was supposed to be his meal....he wasn’t food dammit!
But despite his protests that’s all Tito was now, a wonderful piece of struggling, talking meat that the cat was making quick work of, his belly now entering the maw and undergoing the same procedure the rest of him had endured, tasting, drooling and light chewing and then swallowed down to follow the rest of the tiny dog’s form. Tito’s nose was now poking through the stomach sphincter, smelling the scented memories of other digested meals. Kibble, a piece of pizza, some assorted insects but nothing substantially meaty or canine in nature.
Though that would soon change.
In no time at all his plump haunches would slip past the cat’s maw, the rest of him already curling up inside a half filled and eager cat belly, and then the paws would follow. They get quite a licking, every single digit and claw tasted and prodded as Oliver enjoyed the last of his wonderful meal, face stuck in a permanent expression of blissful ecstasy.
Finally he gulped the toes down to meet their master and could breath again, taking in deep, sigh-full suctions of air as his belly came to life beneath him. The trapped animal inside making muffled pleas for escaping and pushing, pulling against the inside of Oliver hoping something would give. “heh, this is gonna be a hard one to explain to dodg-” before he could say another word he heard a deep, brewing groan emerge in his belly and then quickly speed up his neck and fly out of his mouth in the form of a loud, deep belch. “uuurrrp!” his body sang out, glorious and triumphant, having vanquished the predatory demon inside.
Inside the belly, deep in the depths of a soft and satisfied feline Tito was finding that his time in the maw was considerably more comfortable then his time in the belly. Every inch of him being fed slowly into the engorged, hungry organ, curling up on itself until Tito was little more than a tight, solid ball of digesting dog beef. “hey, h-hey kid c’mon now” he said quietly, his voice audible only as muffled pleas from the outside “I was only playing, el diablo and all that you know hehe?
But as the moments wore on the digestives grew stronger and filled more of the belly up, Tito’s fur and flesh melting off to join the forming brew inside the gurgling, squelching organ. In time the dog’s struggle would end with a final weak kick of his hind paw into the bottom of the belly, his body melting and with all of the good nutrients inside of him being siphoned away. His skin, bones, and meat all being put to good use in fuelling Oliver for the day’s ahead.
“Hey, thought you’d be a little spic-” Oliver’s ears twitched as he heard....oh no!
“Olly what’s with all the noise? Did you have another night....mare?”
Dodger turned the corner to be greeted with the sight of a fattened Oliver sitting in the corner of a disorganised and scattered room, two paws on his gorged organ and a terrified, guilty look on his face.
“I, I can explain.”