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Courtship 14: A Night to Remember: Finale
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TerinasTiger's Gallery (202)

Tiger Tails Notes: Himboutique and Bimboutique

Moreau Mansion Terinas - Copy
Keywords gay 149738, sex 132268, furry 120720, sexy 69591, transformation 43414, lesbian 20546, tf 14131, bisexual 7286, mtf 3835, bimbo 2507, ftm 1917, breast growth 1699, muscle growth 1205, casual sex 1157, dumb 500, himbo 315, intelligence loss 116, reality alteration 97, male-to-female 90, reality warp 56, female-to-male 18, dumbing down 18, dumbing 16, human-to-furry 12, writing notes 1
Tiger Tails Notes:

Bimboutique and Himboutique

The Pitch: Two stories meant to mirror each other. One focused around intelligence loss and male-to-female transformation, the other focused around intelligence loss and female-to-male transformation. Both stories focused around Terinas Tiger, the traveler trickster-tease, who opens a store at a mall in a furs-and-humans universe that promises to turn anyone who pays money into a bimbo or himbo: Doesn't matter what age they are, what gender they are, what species they are... at the end of the session, they will emerge a young, attractive, empty-headed, oversexed young man or women.

Other Included Fetishes: Species Transformation (Yesss), Anal Sex (Explicit in Himboutique only, implied in other story) , Oral Sex, Sex Toys, Hypnosis/Mind Control/Brainwashing (Yesssss), Vaginal Sex (Explicit in Bimboutique only, implied in other story), Reality Alteration (Yesssssss), Male/Male Sex (Probably Himboutique only), Female/Female sex (Probably Bimboutique Only)

The How: (Something most people probably will NOT care about, but I do!) Terinas transforms people into Bimbos and Himbos using several techniques over the story. His traditional brand of alchemical potions help alter the subject's species and assist with fine-tuning the physical results to match the subject's initial requests. The mental alterations start with a chemical applied to the scalp that begins to slow a subject's mind, impeding thought processes and short term memory creation. The use of a total sensory overstimulation chamber (room where user is bombarded with brainwashing images and audio) will also be employed in this story. However, the lion's share of the mental and physical alteration, and the Reality Alteration aspect of it, will be focused around two cursed artifacts Terinas is employing: The Idiot Box and the Boob Tube.

When an iconic token representing a subject is placed in the Idiot Box, their body is morphed over the course of a few hours into a Himbo. When the same token is put into the Boob Tube, their body is morphed over the course of a few hours into a Bimbo. These strange cursed artifacts seem to re-write the minds and circumstances of people connected to the subjects as well, adjusting them to fit the person's new narrative. For example, in Himboutique a nerdy lionness named Anna will have several male nerdy friends, but upon transformation into the big dumb sexpot bull Cody, these friends will have adjusted into nerdy gay femboys who hang out with Cody as much for his dick as they do his companionship. Changes made to individuals beyond the subject are reduced with every degree of separation from the subject (close friends/family are changed most, friends of friends are changed less, and friends of friends of friends are changed least) and the process isn't a perfect transition: Some people may still realize there were changes and act accordingly. But for the most part, these devices try to patch the ``New'' person as seamlessly into the ``Old'' person's life as possible.

The Why: If Terinas has these two devices that let him re-write facets of reality, then why use them to do what he's doing? For one thing, it's important to note that these devices do MOST of the heavy lifting here, and Terinas has very little control over the process. His hypnosis techniques and transformative potions let him manipulate the finer details (such as species or mindset) and ``adjust'' the reality alteration aspects while the transformations are happening, but for the most part, the two artifacts do the work for him. Their application is limited to these effects as well. Like, say, The Death Note (from the titular anime) there's not a lot that can be done with them BEYOND making people into sexy idiots. Terinas is choosing to use them in a manner that presumably profits him. The only other application I can think of would be using them offensively against perceived enemies or foes. Which, while it certainly would be effective, seems very malicious and out of character for Terinas unless he was provoked.

Limiting Terinas' power by having the objects do most of the heavy lifting here accomplishes two things: For one thing, it keeps Terinas from being overpowered if I choose to use him for other stories. I want to keep the character consistent in his abilities and nature; he is certainly CAPABLE of using his hypnosis skills and alchemy training to make a potion/brainwashing procedure that would turn someone into a bimbo/himbo, but reality alteration on a gross scale would and SHOULD be beyond the character or else it causes me problems in future stories I do. If he could change reality, why not just do whatever he wants with a wave of his hand? Making the devices do the heavy lifting means they could be taken away from him: perhaps broken or stolen or simply running out of mojo. It's important to me that Terinas never become a Mary Sue/Marty Stu, and while you can still make that claim given the bombastic nature of the character and his Rick-And-Morty tendency to travel a multiverse and do crazy stuff, at least this way he's not some kind of omnipotent godhead of time and space.

The other thing it accomplishes is that it limits Terinas' involvement in the story to that of a service provider, rather than an active character. I want these stories to be FACILITATED BY Terinas, rather than to be ABOUT Terinas. He sets up the situation and enables the main characters of each story to effectively pull the triggers and change themselves, but beyond that his role is limited to explaining the action and commenting on it. In this particular story, given the ``it's not dark unless you start to think about it'' premise, I explicitly want to avoid Terinas having sexual contact with the main characters or having any sort of power over them; I'm certain most fans wouldn't object but Terinas fucking the resulting bimbo or himbo or trying to use his ability to change people to solicit sex from the character?s pre-transformation gives me a skeevy feeling. It's too much like taking advantage of victims for my taste. If I want Terinas to continue being a character who is arguably gray rather than dark, he needs to have some lines he won't cross. He'll happily take people's money to turn them into big dumb drooling sexpots, but he won't take advantage of them using their self-destructive natures for his benefit for SEX at least. He keeps things professional.

Besides, I think Terinas prefers his partners smart enough to snark at him a bit.

I do want stories later where Terinas will have sex with characters, manipulate them, and especially stories where he takes more of an active role in events. But not these ones. In these ones he just sets up the dominos, and it's the main character's decision the whole way to start knocking them down.

The last thing using these artifacts does is let me use the names, both of which amuse me to no end.

Important to Note: ANY story carrying themes of identity erasure/identity change, such as these stories will, will have some underlying themes of murder or suicide to them if you think about them too hard. Turning people into drones is sexy in a fantasy setting, but the loss of identity and agency involved would be horrible and monstrous in real life. Similarly, Terinas rewriting people's minds actively would carry with it the idea that he was effectively ``killing'' them, in spirit if not in body (Another reason why he's not going to be directly involved in the changing process). Even having the characters do this stuff themselves isn't much better: It's effectively them saying they don't want to live as those people anymore, which can connote to themes of suicide if you scrutinize it too much.

I really, really, REALLY don't want these stories to seem like a downer, though. Dark erotic fiction can be fun, sure, but there's such a thing as pushing it. Terinas being a villainous jerk who rewrites people's minds and bodies into empty headed sex pots makes the paladin in me scream ``Big Bad to be Vanquished!'' and I have a hard time disagreeing with it. So he's instead being entirely up front about what he's doing and effectively allowing people to decide IF they want to be altered or changed. Being 100% up front about the process doesn't make it any less terrible, but at least there's no chicanery involved. THIS time.

Seriously though, in order to counteract the themes you can find if you read too deeply into the setting, I intend on making the stories have happy endings. The two main characters start from very downbeat circumstances (Anna in Himboutique in a high-pressure environment where both her mother and she are close to breaking down from the pressures of their society; Carter in Bimboutique an aging man with no remaining social connections or links to this world, tired of his life but terrified of ending it) and go to situations where their ``New'' selves are arguably happier people than their previous selves ever were. It does nothing to alleviate the darker themes if you are willing to look for them, but the average reader won't dig that deeply, safely concealing my tracks.

Characters in each Story:


Anna, the lioness protagonist who becomes Cody the bull by the end of the story. Anna is an 18 year old girl who is in her senior year of high school at Whitetail Bluffs, a city in the hillier parts of California. (Loosely tied to Vixen's Run Universe mayyyyybe? I like the idea of using their ``rival'' town). Anna is a young girl under an ENORMOUS amount of stress: From her mother, from the people in her community, and from her friends. Growing up in the Feline-Exclusive gated community of Basking Rock, she has plenty of snobby, snooty neighbors who consider her single-parent household a black mark on their society, and her family's poorer circumstances something to bring down the neighbor's property values. I want to stress that Anna is aware of this whenever she goes to the ritzy and high-quality Basking Rock High School. One scene I want to include is of Anna's mother refusing to let Anna hang out with her nerdy friends Dan, Jackson, and Chris, all of whom she plays nerdy games with. But even her social relationships should be strained; I want Anna to have a shaky relationship with these three boys (who might imply she's less of a gamer as a girl) so that the reality alteration aspect gives a much more vibrant relationship between the three in comparison. Anna is frustrated by the pressure in her daily life, as well as the pressures involved, but is keenly aware that she also doesn't hate who she is now. She just wants a life without the stresses and trouble she's dealing with, and is willing to completely change herself to do it.

Celeste, Anna's Mother, and a lioness in her own right. Celeste got knocked up by a lion who dumped her and left her holding the bag pretty late in her pregnancy. This led Celeste to have to raise and support a child alone, which has been a constant source of stress for her. This stress later fell on Anna's shoulders; I want to convey that her mother pushes her to be better than everyone else intellectually and athletically, possibly so Celeste can prove that it was all ``Worth it''. Celeste and Anna live in a private Feline-Exclusive community called Basking Rock as well, which likely has its own high-class private school and very rigid standards of tenant conduct. This all weighs down on Celeste, who must have worked her tail off to get her daughter all these opportunities. But with all that effort comes the motivation to make sure that the effort wasn't wasted, leading Celeste to put her daughter under enough pressure to make coal into diamonds. Post-Alteration, we see that she adopted a child rather than getting thrust into an unwanted pregnancy. The act of choosing to adopt as a difference of circumstance seems to have affected her temperament, as the Celeste we see is much more loving and willing to put her child's well-being before status and jockeying for position.

Dan, Jackson, and Chris: Anna's nerd friends. They go to a public school and aren't active students at Basking Rock Private Academy. They care about Anna, but have trouble getting past the fact that she's got boobs and therefore clearly is the least talented gamer in their social rhombus as well as a sexual icon to be fascinated by. Chris someday wishes to pilot two gundems.

Dani, Jackie, and Chrissy: Cody's gamer grrly-boi friends. They like Cody even though he thinks ``Tapping a land'' requires a condom. Very girly, very nerdy, and very, um, ``affectionate''. Take care of each other as well as Cody when he's not off fucking/being fucked by others. Chrissy has a manga livestream where he keeps arguing that the two male protagonists in ``Lonely Hearts Wandering Swordsmen Yes! YES!'' should make out next issue.

Cody: Anna's final form. Big brawny brainless bull. Thinks as much with his little head as with his big one. An athlete who ended up with nerdy friends under circumstances he can't quite recall... likes guys, girls, hot apple pie, boobs, ass, football, and a number of other sex-related things just like the rest of this list. Instinctually driven to take care of ``his herd'', which consists of anyone he considers friends or family. It's generally not advisable to hurt someone under his protection... after he figures out you're being mean to them (This may require giving him several hints) he'll fuck you up.


Carter: Human. 46 year old college professor let go when the Anthropology department?s budget was cut to help pay for a new University Football Stadium. Has no close family left, and feels alone in the world. Comes off as mild and tepid upon casual interaction, and has trouble sticking up for himself or others. A man haunted by many existential demons, who considers his intelligence to have been one of the few good things in his life.

Alister: Carter's boss and a brown bear. Runs a college. Probably. LIkes Carter but knows without tenure he's the most easily axed. Feels guilty over firing Carter but doesn't want to take care of an old man. A Dirty Old Man who is very good at hiding it in public.

Jim: Mountain lion student at Carter's university. Football player and a bit of a dudebro. A nice guy, but has a tendency to say the wrong thing at the worst possible time. Looks up to Carter, whom is one of his favorite teachers. On the first side of the story, really only exists to twist the knife a bit and build up reader opinion in the right direction.

Comfort: Carter's Final Form. Giggly, bubbly Alaskan Malamute doggy girl. Dumb but loyal. Sticks up for her friends, which is how she helped form Megumi's Maid Service. Has a squishy, bouncy body. Loves games of fetch, tummy rubs, cleaning houses, having her butt groped, and being fucked until she can't, like, think and junk. A bimbo, loves to serve, submit and be a good girl but should NOT be assumed to be passive. Empathic and good at reading people, though not intelligent otherwise. Won't stand for unfair treatment, and sticks up for other people around her. Will oppose meanies and jerks who are mean to her or her maid-sisters. When she remembers they were mean. It might take her a minute or twelve...

Megumi: Asian Fox. Girl in charge of Megumi's Maid Service. Former whore, encouraged to find her own path by casual lover/bestie Comfort. Trained Masseuse specializing in happy endings.

Cashmere: Goat Girl Maid who sometimes does private shows with Comfort. Probably a tailor, I guess? Might not even make it into the story, since I have very few ideas for her.

Jimbo: Jim's incarnation on the flip side of Bimboutique. Has a name that rhymes with bimbo because he's a dummy. Hahahaha-no wait that's not right. For serious, he's a friend and causal lover to Comfort, though neither of them are anywhere near exclusive. Jimbo might not be as cultured as Jim was (downside to not having Carter as a teacher anymore) but he's still got his skills running around with balls, so girls get weak in the knees for him. Meanwhile, Comfort is too busy with her clients to settle down on just ONE guy. But if I ever get around to working him in, I want Comfort and Jim to sort of have a partnership of sorts: friends who compliment each other and help keep each other positive. Plus, you know, the sex.

Master Allie: Brown bear who often hires Comfort for cleaning duties, including but not limited to polishing his knob, feathering his duster, and Other cleaning innuendo purposes. Frequently offers to ``take care of'' Comfort, but she's not looking for any rings on her finger just yet. Is easily manipulated into large tips by bouncing jiggly bits.

Posting this in part to test some of the new websites I'm setting up, as well as to have something there, and also to motivate myself to get off my rump and start writing again.

Here's developer's notes (Something I'm trying for my newer stories, as well as formal scripting and whatnot) for my pair of Mirrored stories, Himboutique and Bimboutique.

In them, you can see a general idea of what is supposed to happen, how it's supposed to work, what characters are included in each, and see what I included, what I left on the cutting room floor (including a few characters) and stuff that I had planned out for both stories.

I guess someone might find this interesting? If even one person likes it or feels it helps them with their own writing, I'd be happy to hear about it.

For those reading this off of FA, the stories themselves can be found on my FA page here:

Bimboutique: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/29895368/
Himboutique: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/27582187/

Posted using PostyBirb

gay 149,738, sex 132,268, furry 120,720, sexy 69,591, transformation 43,414, lesbian 20,546, tf 14,131, bisexual 7,286, mtf 3,835, bimbo 2,507, ftm 1,917, breast growth 1,699, muscle growth 1,205, casual sex 1,157, dumb 500, himbo 315, intelligence loss 116, reality alteration 97, male-to-female 90, reality warp 56, female-to-male 18, dumbing down 18, dumbing 16, human-to-furry 12, writing notes 1
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 4 years, 10 months ago
Rating: General

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