a little wonky of a picture, but there's a larger context I want to at least give for this
Chizu was the sister of Shingen, leader of the Neko Ninjas. He died during an attempt to foil a conspiracy by a local Daimyo to overthrow Ieyasu, leaving Chizu as the de jure leader of the Neko Ninjas. Immediately, there were threats to her leadership, specificially the traitor Kagemaru who withheld important information about another conspiracy to implicate Chizu in a larger scheme against Hikiji, or something to that effect. Long story short, a self-imposed exile was placed upon her as the leader of the Neko Ninjas demanded her head to solidify his rule. She runs. She always runs . . .
All that running, and with no safe-guard from her own clan . . . it would be understandable for her to cry at one of these points in her life.