With X and Y...maybe he can be a fairy type? And he can mega evolve into werehog in Y and be a Dark type, then in X he can mega evolve into Super Sonic and be a flying/fairy or a flying/normal type? Heck, Sonic can be a fighting type if he wants to too, think of him as another version of hitmonlee, being more of a kickboxer. Though I admit Silver would be a better fairy type. Shadow may seem to be more of a battling type of hedgehog, but he seems more reliant on chaos attacks, that closely resemble psychic powers. Eh, the world of pokemon is so confusing.
With X and Y...maybe he can be a fairy type? And he can mega evolve into werehog in Y and be a Dark
I was thinking maybe sonic could be a fairy and normal type. Since there is a move call fairy wind and sonic in SAB2 could use the attack sonic wind. So he could be a fairy type as well. :3
I was thinking maybe sonic could be a fairy and normal type. Since there is a move call fairy wind a