Un regalo muy especial de cumpleaños numero 30 para [iconname]roninhunt0987[/iconname] . Su cumpleaños era el 02/05 No suelo atrasarme en los regalos de cumpleaños, y se que es de muy mala educacion. Pero como siempre, tengo demaciadas cosas en la mente a la hora de comentar. Perdon.
De izquierda a derecha estan las hermanas Melody The Vixen y Milly The Vixen en trajes de baño. ambas oc de [iconname]roninhunt0987[/iconname] quien las creo a base del dress-up game: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/25446454/
Saludos, cuidence mucho, que tengan un gran dia, tarde o noche y sigan dibujando.
A very special 30th birthday gift for [iconname]roninhunt0987[/iconname] His birthday was in the 05/02. I don't usually fall behind on birthday presents, But as always, I have too many things on my mind when commenting. Sorry.
From left to right are sisters Melody The Vixen and Milly The Vixen in bathing suits. both oc of [iconname]roninhunt0987[/iconname] who created them based on the dress-up game: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/25446454/
Greetings, be very careful, have a great day, afternoon or night and keep drawing.