So I love this series.
And, I particularly love this character, and I really just discovered that the other night when I was explaining the character to a friend and using terminology and comparisons like "Luciferian" (if that's a word) and referencing things like "Paradise Lost" to help describe her. Sure, it's a kids cartoon, but the fact that a character - a pony - in a kids TV show for little girls can remind me of things like that is just absolutely astounding.
Fantastic show. Keep it up, Studio-B and Hasbro, as well as the entire Brony community for making such fantastic fan content!
This is my first fan-piece, and I suppose fanfic, of possibly many to come. I hope you enjoy, fan or not!
My Little Pony and Princess Luna © Hasbro/Lauren Faust
Letter transcription below:
"Dearest Celestia,
I'm writing to you on this, a beautiful moonlit night, heralding news of a wondrous epiphany I have gleaned in my solace. And, I must ask that you forgive me, Sister. I have been gone some time and dialects have changed so greatly. I will try to speak more... plainly, as is custom, but it is very challenging.
Resentment and bitterness are easy emotions to set in when one feels their hard work and efforts go unappreciated. It is these things, dear sister, that ultimately struck from me the grace I once possessed. And even though we agreed not to speak of this, I must share with you my thoughts, for it is they that give me peace now and sustain me.
Once, and now again, I am Princess - governing the ascension and recession of the moon each night. In my time in exile, however, the hatred in my heart consumed all of my soul save a few small fragments of what was once my distempered, yet pure, heart. And while my heart raged with anger and hatred in each second of my banishment, I know now that it was ultimately necessary. Confinement and banishment often serve to simply solidify the resolve of the convicted; but those who see that they truly had not always been who they had grown to become often realize the error of their ways. This was such with me, for I had not always been the loathsome mare I became.
Centuries of introspection preserved that which I had once been, and in my time since the release of Nightmare Moon's grip over my heart, I have continued this reflective and introspective path. No doubt you have heard from your pupil, Twilight Sparkle, on the events of the recent Nightmare Night celebration and read her report on my attempts to befriend the local populace. I am certain her report was either amusing or alarming to you, Dear Sister, but do not fret. I am in perfect control of my senses.
Alas, this message runs long and the extent of my parchment draws short. I will attempt to continue, and conclude, my story to you at another time. Until then, dear sister, rest well. For the night is my domain, and in the moon's quiet luminescence shines naught but peace.
Your loving sister,
12 years, 10 months ago
07 Mar 2012 23:50 CET
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