The big creatures made it to the surface, they were breathing heavily and trying to calm their breathing. It sounded like one was coughing and the four big ones seemed worried about the little one, ``you brought a [/b]human!'' Raph yelled at them and got their attention at once, ``you better send that human back now!'' Raph yelled at them before swimming towards land.
From behind him, he heard a half deep voice yell ``we can't, not yet!'' then another voice, this one deeper than the first ``why do we need to send her back now!?'' Raph had stopped swimming and had turned to face them before saying ``because humans are not welcome here'' he didn't have to yell any more, because they were close to him now, ``okay, but why?'' the second voice asked him.
``That is a long story and I have dinner to bring home, so I don't have time for it now'' Raph answered the second voice, ``can we come with you?'' the first voice asked him, Raph thought about it for a moment, but he couldn't think because of the little once coughing, the coughing sounded bad, ``hmm, I guess you have to since that one needs a doctor'' Raph told them before starting to swim towards land again, this time they said nothing and simply followed him to land.
Once on land, they held a small break to catch their breaths, but Raph reminded them that, that needed a doctor, quick. The four were big, bigger than himself, even that was bigger than him. They followed Raph to his home where Mikey was standing and waiting for him, ``your late! And what the shell did you bring home with you? Wait is that a human? What the shell Raph!?'' Mikey yelled and said to him, Raph answered him by saying ``It's their fault, they are from a different dimension, yes, it is and that needs a doctor quick'' ``fine'' was all that Mikey said, before taking the fish and going inside the house.
Still outside the house Raph said ``alright, let's get that treated'' ``she has a name you know'' the third voice growled at him, ``sure, its April'' Raph answered him back, ``eh, yes, then why do ya keep calling her that?'' the fourth voice asked him while they were walking after him, ``because I did not really see her until now'' Raph answered him.
They went inside a side building and down a half flight of stairs, Raph turned on the lights and they saw that they were in the infirmary. ``Alright, put her down on the table please'' Raph said to them, while he was getting ready to work on her. ``There ya go April'' the fourth voice said to her, ``good, now the four of you can go over there and wait with Donny'' Raph told them while pointing at his Donny, they went over to Donny and a heavy glass wall closed behind them, ``easy, it's just a safety precaution for now'' Donny told them.
``Alright, please take everything you are wearing off and put it in the tank in the floor, thank you'' Donny told them calmly, ``why?'' the first voice asked him, ``because you and your things need to be disinfected before we can let you back out'' Donny answered him calmly, ``oh, okay'' the first voice answered back.
``So how about we call you by your first letter in your names while you are here?'' Donny asked them after they had gone through the whole process, of getting disinfected, detoxed and reduced a lot in size. ``What about April?'' M asked Donny, ``what do you mean?'' Donny answered with a puzzled look, ``don't you need to see her?'' M asked concerned, ``you are the doctor, right?'' D asked with concern too, ``yes I am, but not the kind she needs right now'' Donny answered calmly, ``can we see her?'' L asked calmly, ``sure, it's this way'' Donny said walking down the hall.
``you seem to take it good, that we are from another dimension'' D said calmly, ``sure, because you are not the first we have meet'' Donny told them with a smile, ``there she is'' Donny said pointing towards her, ``thank you, Don'' L said to him, Donny answered him by giving a smile and a small nod.
``What has he done to her?'' D asked surprised, ``are ya sure it's her?'' R asked with disbelief, ``why did he do that to her?'' M asked with concern, ``okay, what's going on here Donny?'' L asked in a firm voice, ``calm down will you, she is fine, since humans are not allowed here, we had to change her into a turtle while you are here, and when it's time for you to go back home, we will change her and you guys back, if you want to'' Donny answered them calmly.
``Hey Raph, is April done yet?'' Donny asked him through the com on the wall, Raph came over to the door and pressed the button on the com and said ``yes in a moment, she just needs to wake up and get up first'' Raph walked back over to her and gave her a shot, so that she would wake up. Once awake Raph looked down into her eyes and said with a smile, ``well hallo there, how do you feel?'' ``weird but good'' she answered him, ``can you sit up for me?'' he asked her calmly.
April was calm and tried to stand up straight without falling backwards, it was nice that she took it calmly, but kind of funny to watch her trying to get the hang of it. ``Heh, sorry April, but even our tots have better control than you do right now'' Raph said with a big smile, she gave him a look, that said *stop laughing or I'll hurt you*, ``oh come on now, easy, just stop overthinking it, all you need to know is that center of gravity is forwards not backwards, that's all'' Raph said calmly and gave her an encouraging smile to try again.
While April was learning to stand up and move around, they had a talk with Donny, ``so why are humans not allowed here?'' L asked curiously, ``it had taken the humans 7 years to prepare and 6 days to fill all the spaceships, with people, animals and plants. They just left the planet instead of cleaning up their mess, and that mess was what we had to clean up in order to live top side, that clean up took us a little over a year. So, in short, the humans are lazy cowards, that we had to clean up after, because they ran away from the responsibility. They are not allowed here, because we don't want the same thing to happen again'' Donny answered him.
``That makes sense'' L said, ``but how did you clean everywhere and everything up?'' D asked with curiosity, Donny explained it to D while the others were looking at April practice. ``Oh wow, that's brilliant Donny'' D said surprised, ``thank you, D'' Donny answered smiling.
``Tell me, why are you guys here and why did you bring April along?'' Donny asked them, ``we are here on vacation for 2 months, April came along because she wanted to see another dimension'' D told him, ``vacation huh?'' Leo said from the door, ``hey you must be Leo'' M said smiling at him, ``yes and you guys missed dinner and breakfast,'' Leo was saying in a firm voice ``are you done here, because you are not missing lunch no matter what'' Leo told them with his hands on his hips, ``eh, one moment Leo'' Donny said before turning towards Raph and April, ``Raph are you guys done in there? It's time for lunch'' Donny said through the com.
Raph came over with April and opened the door between them, ``all done and clear to go'' Raph said smiling, ``thank you, Raph. You saved my life'' April said and gave him a smile and a hug, ``no problem April. Now can we eat? I'm starving'' Raph said holding his stomach, ``then let's go'' Leo ordered them, ``coming Leo'' Donny answered him calmly.
Outside they saw the shape of the house was a turtle shell, ``wow'' M said surprised and amazed, ``a turtle shell shaped house?'' L said looking at the house with big eyes, while R just stood there looking at the house, ``why a turtle shell?'' D asked, ``because we are not humans, plus this shape is strong and can survive earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis plus in case of a wildfire, the sprinkler system on top can keep the building wet all over outside'' Donny told them smiling big, ``that and it looks good'' Raph said smiling.
``Yes, yes, pretty house, lunch now, says oda!'' Kuro yelled at them from the door, ``coming'' Raph called back. They went inside and went to the dining room, where Mikey and the children were waiting for them, they sat down and had lunch in silent and calmly. No one left the table before everyone had finished and joint in on the silent prayer after the meal.
Mikey told them that the reason they didn't have conversations during meal times, was because they wanted to take their time to enjoy every mouthful of their meal, that and there was no reason to hurry through the meal, the reason for the *thank you* after the meal, was their way of thanking life, not a god, for everything good they had gotten since last time they said thank you. Their guests liked the idea and had joint in on every part of it.
The guests had decided to follow the other them around to learn more.