Sly: do you have cold?
Rouge: ummm...yes...
Sly: hu?...what happens? o_o
Rouge: nothing...>_>
Sly: sure? your face is red u///u
Rouge: your face too...u///o
Sly: well... i've never had a woman in this position...and you?
Rouge: i...I have never been touched by a male...well...only one took my hand and I felt his warmth...and i saw his purple eyes...but...
Sly: but?
Rouge: he is in love with his master emerald...-_- (sigh)
Sly: I know how it female is in love with her work...
Rouge: is she a thief?
Sly: no,she is a police
Rouge: i see...-_-
12 years, 9 months ago
07 Mar 2012 02:39 CET
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