Third chapter of the Driver story! just an action comedy 80s style ^^ and thanks to my Patreons I could work on this 3d chapter and I hope I can keep having more and mre suport so I can keep up this story, Unprotected and other projects *^^*
You already can check the full chapter in my patreon If you want to check Unprotected or want me to keep working on more chapters of this one =) Thanks!!!
hahaha Well, he will be a recurrent character from now on (if there is enought interest and help of course) and the name havent been said yet.. So.. maybe? ^^
hahaha Well, he will be a recurrent character from now on (if there is enought interest and help of
When those had predictions the pinto was to have exploded when hit hard enough to put the cargo area into the back seat when those also know GM full sized pickups built between 1973 and 1987 are also known as rolling firebombs when they are known for exploding when hit hard from the sides.
When those had predictions the pinto was to have exploded when hit hard enough to put the cargo area