Un dibujo que hice a principios de año y por motivos personales no tenia la "energia" para publicarlo.
Jucika y Kockasfulu Nyul son las Hungaras en su froma de ser mas encantadoras que la Internet a conocido. Son de diferentes franquicias, pero ambas no hablan y todo lo expresan con acciones. Les gusta ayudar y resorver los problemas de los demas de formas ingeniosas. Y por ultimo. Me base en esta imagen de Doink the Clown (y Dink) porque creo que el es genial: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DwRSyPaVsAA0CvJ.jpg
Saludos. Que tengan un gran dia, tarde noche y sigan dibujando.
P.D. Por si no lo notaron, atras puse la bandera de Ucrania, pero por un error de traduccion (que recien me doy cuenta) confundi pensando que ellas dos son de Ucrania, pero son de Hungría. Espero que este error no cause grandes probemas. Mis disculpas.
A drawing that I did at the beginning of the year and for personal reasons did not have the "energy" to publish it.
Jucika and Kockasfulu Nyul are the Hungarians in their way of being more charming than the Internet has known. They are from different franchises, but both do not speak and express everything with actions. They like to help and solve the problems of others in ingenious ways. And finally. I'm based on this image from Doink the Clown (and Dink) because I think he's cool: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DwRSyPaVsAA0CvJ.jpg
Greetings. Have a great day, late night and keep drawing.
P.S. In case you did not notice, I put the flag of Ukraine behind, but due to a translation error (which I recently realized) I confused thinking that the two are from Ukraine, but they are from Hungary. I hope this error does not cause big problems. My apologies.
* Jucika * Kockasfulu Nyul * Art by ME! :iconCAPTAIN-CHETO: