In a world where mystical creatures co-excist, there are only two groups that don't see eye to eye, of course it would be the Vamps and Weres. But in this world Vamps went out of their way to exterminate all of the living weres only living behind so few due to other mystical creatures and mortals getting invovled, so for all any one else knew there weren't any more weres to think of atleast for one. a Young Were named Sonic Moonlight Hedgehog, with his friends a nine tailed kitsune named tails, and witch named amy and a fairy named Chip, they help their were friend to find more of his kind on their journey they end up in Mobotropolis a city known as the neutral zone meaning no matter what there would be no in fighting amongst any creatures, even though it does happen it doesn't happen as much in this. So one night when sonic wouldn't turn they all went to a club called Club Rouge owned by a head coven witch, Amy had wish to talk with her about joining her coven, so the boys went with her to meet her. As Amy went to talk with Rouge, Sonic and Tails enjoyed the many fun things to do in the club dancing singing and drinking atleast Sonic could enjoy the drinking part. So as they went to get some waters after all the dancing they did Sonic smelled something, it was familiar almost is smelt of Roses and woodchips atleast thats what he could smell, he turns to see a mongoose dressed in a red crop top, a torn vest, and loss fitting black jeans being held up by a black belt. something about him seemed familiar, but instead of just saying hi to him like a normal being he up and uses a pick up line " Hey, You come here often" and all the mongoose said was "Sorry pup, I don't feel like smelling like mongrel tonight." Showing his fangs Sonic realzing that he had talked to vamp, but how did he know he was a were? As the Mongoose was leaving Sonic tried going after him but there were too many people dancing and walking in front of him losing sight of the mongoose in the crowd he was abit fustrated not just wondering how he knew he was a were but also not being able to get his name.
As Sonci was leaving the club as his friends had gone ahead of him, he tried looking for the mongoose but couldn't find him and gave up heading home until he until he heard someone shouting at another in an alley way he goes to see what's going on and he see's the mongoose he was looking for all night pinned to a wall by another Vamp, this vamp was shouting at him asking him why he was such a snitch Sonic looks down to see a mortal unconsious realizing the mongoose was trying to save this mortal from the other vamp probably threatning to tell someone, he decided to help him, so sonic ran and tackled the vamp pinning him and telling the vamp to get lost, and the vamp did, Sonic turns to the mongoose who was now on the ground rubbing where the other vamap was holding him, Sonic offered his hand out to help him up asking if he needed some help, the mongoose looks up to him, and smilestelling him thank you and he's happ he showed up when he did, they both help the mortal call a taxi and get them home safely. As everythign settled The mongoose finally introduced himsel as Ash and gives Sonic his number saying maybe they could be friends. Sonic was happy with that and after that they grew closer and started dating.
Something I have lanned to do I do have ideas for this but its mostly just something I wanted to get out of my head~ Ash in this world isn't too much of a jerk just to those he doesn't really like or want too close to him, he's more flamboyant and open about his sexuality, even dressing alot more free, which to his families dismay other then his aunt (and yes in this AU Ash and Geoffrey are biological brothers). Also it gives me more of an excuse to have more fun with his outfits~
sonic the hedgehog
sonic the werehog
ash mongoose
ash the vampgoose
4 years, 10 months ago
21 Apr 2020 01:22 CEST
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