Unnamed Kong is a member of the Kong Family who lived in a jungle village, until a mysterious masked ninja (Ryan) attacked the village and defeated her. Since then, she has a mission to defeat the masked ninja and avenge her village and the people he killed, but Ryan couldn't control his actions due to the mask making him evil.
Unnamed is the first person who fights on Elli's side. Elli and a few others landed on the Mushroom Kingdom Side of the area while Danny and a few others landed on the Koopa Kingdom side.
Base by SonicBoy100
Sorry for the wonky feet, but Kongs have four toes and one sticks out of the side and I usually stick to the three toed design.
EDIT: Removed the last instance of her old name from the character, the initials.
4 years, 8 months ago
16 Apr 2020 21:02 CEST
Initial: fcecf3e661cd6d809c66d1cdc3502800
Full Size: c076b59be373a7a9e0dd552e58ce7a12
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