First day of TFF and found my friend Ricochet Wolf , of course I asked him for an art trade, here is my part of it. Fluffy version, he's usually squeaky.
Traditional. Color markers.
Azul and Tetheys
"Just because you are bigger than someone DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO PICK ON SOMEONE!"
sitting alone, and he was next to a free pizza box, so I went for free pizza and a nice company. This drawing was done in his sketchbook.
NordicFuzzCon April's Fool
These are difficult and scary times for many of us. So rather than posting an April Fool's joke, we instead want to take the opportunity to give everyone a safe virtual hug from us here at NordicFuzzCon.
You are not alone. Together we'll get through this. ❤️
love, NordicFuzzCon
Auggie turned macro and he's having fun with it. While Faux and Euly are running for their lives
is writting a story about this serie of drawings, where we are pretending to be superheroes in undies (well, me in shorts). Done during TFF 2020 Traditional. Colored pencils
"Panza Llena, Corazón Contento"
Full belly, happy heart. Popular mexican saying that applies very well in Zero. My part of an art trade we made at TFF 2020
splashing around puddles in the street. Another picture inspired by Hoppípolla (Sigur Rós).
Traditional. Colored pencils.
Hutz Badge
A very quick badge done before departing to NordicFuzzCon, back in February 2020, just few minutes before going to the airport. I even could print it and laminate it. But in the end, it was in hands of
This was the initial sketch, I liked it so I wanted to share it as well. They're the lovely Waffles and Eoin
Estrel Berlin
They are Paco Wolf and Terkina, in front of the Estrel Berlin, where Eurofurence is held.
Kitsy and Fuzzy taking a bath.
This picture is part of a Telegram stickers set, gotten from Patreon rewards (Thank you!) You can check the sticker pack on: