The other day I uploaded by mistake the second batch of pictures from S-cheetah in which I appeared. For some reason, when I organized my pictures I was not paying enough attention :P
So these are the very first pictures from him in which I am. Most of S-Cheetah's pictures are inspired by spaniard furs, mixing their fursonas and their RL's, some of them with very keen humor!
. Back then we were co-admins on Since he is an artic fox, it seems that beaches were not really made for his kind ;) The picture is called 'Mundos Diferentes', which is 'Different Worlds' and the text says:
Salmy: Don't tell me I didn't warn you... 'Bring your summer fur to the beach!' But you neeeever listen!
The second pic features many more spanish furs, most of them good artists that you should check out! ^^
Sindo is the bear The cheetah is me... I have no idea why he always put me zebra shorts on! The guy painted in red is really
As I said before, I was co-admin on Redlobo by then, and Wolfyote was the main administrator, creator, best man.. you name it ;) The picture's title is, actually 'Redlobo'. For those who don't speak spanish, RedLobo stands for 'Wolf Network', but if you use the word 'Red' with its english meaning... there you get the joke ;P
Knox is saying: 'Now, c'mon, Wolfy, don't make that face. It was you the one who asked us to lend you a paw with Redlobo..'