As of just a few minutes before this post, if you pre-ordered "Felicity's After Party" from our store you can go download it now. If you were holding out until it was released, now is your chance to get a hold of it right away! This is our first release in years, and it's success is what's going to allow the Svetlana "Grin n Bear it" portfolio to come out! I can't wait to bring that to you all! Huge thank you to all of you who pre-ordered the portfolio, your support was amazing! So.. What's in the port you ask? Well the description is as follows : "Want to see what went on behind closed doors once Jim and Felicity made it back to the after party? 11 Full Color Pages , Male / Female, Female/Male/Female , Contains Substantial nudity , Oral Sex, Cunnilingus , Anal Sex, 3 Way Oral Sex, Shower Scenes, Cuddling Flashbacks and more.. This story is canon to the universe, and consistent with the prom story line after Ceylon run away from Sarina to check for Jim. " I do hope you enjoy it , can't wait to hear some feedback, it's been far too long!
For the first 58 Sales all of the purchase price goes to the artist. Which we've happily passed (60 sales as of this response) then IP and I will work out the split. But at least all of his time and effort have been covered which was my biggest concern.
For the first 58 Sales all of the purchase price goes to the artist. Which we've happily passed (60