"Don't underestimate me because I'm small! See if you can handle this."
I was given the theme of "Grass type" to be my Gym Leader Team. I've chosen Breloom, Hoppip, Phantump, Shiinotic, Leafeon, and Pumkaboo to be my team. Prepare yourself challenger!
Artist Comment: I'm glad someone gave me grass type since I have enough favs to cover a full team. If I was a Gym leader, though, I would pick to be an Ice Type trainer. It is my favorite type of pokemon after all. Perhaps I should draw my fav ice one day. OH but I really love Brelloom and Pumpkaboo, and I also really like SHiinotic, but that pokemon is for Sin and not Uluri.
(Uluri borrowed a pokemon to complete the team proper)