Weird. I kinda feel like being in one of these post-apocalyptic science fiction movies from the early 1970s. I basically sit here and see the world on fire. A weird and ominous feeling, almost biblical in some way.
Weird. I kinda feel like being in one of these post-apocalyptic science fiction movies from the earl
Same here. Two people I knew died from the virus. I have begun to even disinfect my daily mail. This virus is by no means "just another flu". Are these the end times?
Same here. Two people I knew died from the virus. I have begun to even disinfect my daily mail. This
I can see why people would think so after feeling this way. I don't think 20-somethings these days have much experience with dread like this. Good on you for being careful though.
I can see why people would think so after feeling this way. I don't think 20-somethings these days h