"I'm...sorry...but...where is my mistake? ;_;" You leave your work after it's done and you admire your own work for it's features and quality. On the outside, you feel like it's complete and ready to go as people beginning to rate and try to give some reviews after you publish your work to the world. On the inside, you feel like it's complete but somehow a flaw might appears, you admired them but you feel sad at the same time about your flaws, people rate your work and begin to give some reviews about your work. Rate and reviews don't matter anymore if you discovered your flaws after you share your work to the world.
I use the creatics and flaw to my advantage. some I use, others I throw away. but flaws are the natural tools to evolve. without this tool we never know where to improve. 😉
I use the creatics and flaw to my advantage. some I use, others I throw away. but flaws are the na