This is a weirdly nice comic. I have never felt the urge to burn any flags or any sort of hate towards my country but I can certainly understand what its like to feel helpless about something that is completely out of my control on other subjects. I really like the lesson on the last page. No matter how fucked up the world gets there are always things you can do to make it a little better.
This is a weirdly nice comic. I have never felt the urge to burn any flags or any sort of hate towar
A lot of us do feel very lost in the world at the moment; we hear so much about the crap that's going on and feel helpless as an individual to make a difference.
But you're not an individual. You're one person, who thinks and acts the same as many, many thousands. And it's through that common action of taking a stance and doing something, no matter how small, that we can change the world. Baby steps.
It's doing nothing at all when nothing changes...
A lot of us do feel very lost in the world at the moment; we hear so much about the crap that's goin
One thing I'd like to add is that we might not be able to change all the bad things that are happening now but we can all give something. we can all do something for another person, just a random act of kindness can make someone's day just that much better there's no point in thking about what you can't do when you should be thinking about what you can do. spend your time thinking about how you can help others. So there's no point in burning a flag or cursing your country
One thing I'd like to add is that we might not be able to change all the bad things that are happeni