Ok. That damn coronavirus (AKA: covid 19) is causing serious damage in my country (Italy).
People are forced to stay home and exit for necessary reasons. This lockdown is necessary to reduce casualities and people should not come each other close or they will caught the virus.
We gotta be strong to survive in this dark time, we can't allow to lose the hope.
I hope my friends in my country and friends around the world will stay safe.
In my country, the childrens says that everything will be okay, the hope is designed to springs eternal and nobody is allowed to mess the hopes up. Panic Is absolutely useless, but we still have to stay on guard.
The past gov of my country spent the money into that junk instead of buying more medical rooms. Even though we are in huge trouble, we can't give up just yet. but some people around the world does not care about the coronavirus and they make stupid crowds and they'll pay the price of their stupidity of reasons of some sports. The health of innocent people is a critical priority, wash often as possible the hands and stuff.
I know that some people might fear this virus outbreak but we can't be afraid but when can still consider the virus outbreak a serious threat.
Your support around the world shall be appreciated.
art (c) me
5 years ago
14 Mar 2020 02:23 CET
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