SO! these are some pretty rough sprites^^ Keep in mind the Tanks are not done yet... they are mostly blocked out and need a lot more details...
Also the Anubis army just just a placeholder atm^^ I'll keep the tanks but will probably change the characters to something else^^
Right now the Red/Orange guys are Rocketgirl's Red Rocket Pompom army!
Blue is Eve's evil Axis Blue Cookie army run by boys she teases along^^
But the units are coming along pretty well I think... Maybe just need a Troop Transport/Recon and i'll have enough for a early Demo (Don't really need too many units to get the basics done^^)
Let me know what you think... I"m not the best at Pixel art but I'm pretty happy with the way it's turning out.
Well like I said, just a placeholder. It will probably be different later. In fact, I only really need 2 groups for a demo... or one if I'm very lazy^^
Well like I said, just a placeholder. It will probably be different later. In fact, I only really ne