I almost never do group pics like this, I can’t draw absolute everyone whom I hangout at cons, they are always lots. This time I did it because NordicFuzzCon was amazing and had 8 hours in a plane and I drew as many as I could until they announced we were landing. If you were not included and we hanged out at the con please don’t feel bad, that was my worrying when I was half the way of this picture. I’m keeping every moment safe in my memory of this beautiful event in Sweden.
They are, from left to right, up to down: Pico (red dragon). Chiros (bat). Procyon (at least his dog character, even if he’s a raccoon). Mausie (because cheese is important). Ekorren (yellow squirrel). @Kapitein (pink badger). Lightfox (chubby huggable fox). Iris (pretty NFC mascot).