Here is an image of my most recent husbando being charming .. I hardly upload drawings of maus being cute by himself, I always draw him with my fc, but images of my sexy maus have come to my mind, and that is, how to resist that pretty smile, those eyes and that attractive personality? I like maus a lot beyond the fact that he is a mouse ... I don't care if he is an anthropomorphic animal, for me, he is like a human and what I love is his personality
I plan to make even more of more images that come to my mind
he aqui una imagen de mi mas reciente husbando siendo encantador.. casi no subo imagenes de maus siendo lindo por si solo, siempre lo dibujo con mi fc, pero me han venido a la cabeza imagenes de mi sexy maus, y es que, como resistirse a esa linda sonrisa, esos ojos y esa personalidad atrayente? maus me gusta mucho mas alla de el hecho de que sea un raton.. a mi me da igual si es un animal antropomorfico, para mi, es como un humano y lo que amo es su personalidad
pienso hacer aun mas de mas imagenes que vienen a mi mente
5 years ago
20 Feb 2020 08:03 CET
Initial: 4bb188abc08e57cb43eed53e6305dca5
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