Dan And Brittney’s Valentine’s Day Snack
By ChubbySong321
It was a beautiful, warm, Valentine’s day in the small town of Rodaunt. Its squirrel inhabitants were out and about preparing for the upcoming evening of romance. Some were cleaning their shops for the big night. Some couldn’t wait and were taking a walk in the park with their significant other. A few more were just hanging out on their porches, enjoying their time together. Yes, it was a picture perfect afternoon…
…Until the tall grass surrounding the town parted and a giant muzzle sniffed at them in excitement
“Look honey! I found a whole town we can eat!” A proud, happy, male dog shouted back to his mate
Soon heavy footsteps were heard before a second head peeked through the grass, casting an even larger shadow over the town
Like her mate, this dog was a Doberman Pinscher. However, the terrified town didn’t really care about their breed. The 1 thing they did note about the looming dogs was their stomachs. It was hard not to. Both male, and female, mutts had VERY round, sagging, guts. Yes, they were pretty fat and very well fed. Something not lost on the poor, unfortunate, tasty squirrels
“Ooo! You’re right! They look delicious!” The female dog replied to her mate, licking over her maw
“Well I’m starving, and I know you are too honey, as always. So I think it’s time for us introduce ourselves to our Valentine snack.” He said as both dogs entered the town, tummies jiggling as they did so
This was enough for the horrified, squirrel, onlookers. They quickly ran as fast as they could into anything they could find to hide them. Some ran into the bakery. Some hid in the local park. Some hid inside a nearby house. Yet more hid in the nut storage building and the children hid inside the school house
It didn’t matter though. Both adult pups soon began to introduce themselves, just as they promised. However, they did this in an unusual way
The male, who first spotted the town, began,
“Hello tasties, my name is Dan,
and I’m a big, fat, hungry man
As you can plainly see from my sagging tummy
I’ve got a big appetite and find everything yummy
From Alpo to rabbits to mice to gophers and even squirrels too
The whole world to me is just meant to be my tasty food”
He sang out as he strutted into the small town, his large stomach sloshing from side to side as he strolled the streets, until he came to the park. He licked his lips and quickly caught the tail of 1 of the hiding squirrels. The poor rodent tried his best to hold onto his girlfriend who, in turn, was held by the other squirrels hiding with her. However, they all ended up getting slurped into Dan’s maw with the first squirrel, soon landing in his fat belly
The female doggie giggled a little at this as she sashayed her way into the town, picking up where her mate left off
“Hello treats, my name is Brittney
Like my chubby hubby I find everything yummy
Now most girls like me want to have a tummy that’s flat
But I’m a gluttonous girl and I like being big, round and fat!
They said if I kept on eating and eating I’d never find a man,
but being this chunky helped my land my Dan!”
She quickly reached the bakery and tore the roof off with her maw. She grinned evilly down at the frightened squirrels within, who were hiding among the plethora of Valentine’s day treats. Her tongue licked over her muzzle all the while. A chubby, baker, squirrel blushed fearfully and began to hand the hungry, puppy, woman treat after treat. Brittney happily lapped up all she was fed, wolfing down the entire bakery’s stock before she ate the baker squirrel and the rest of the rodents that had hidden with her. Just as fast as the baking, she had gobbled them up too
Dan burped as he quickly waddled his way over to the house where many had chosen to hide. He grinned at this and got down on the ground, his big, bloated, belly squishing out to either side of him as he did so
“Brittney’s right! I like a woman who’s extra big
Just like me, she likes her mate to be fat and eat like pig!
We gobble and guzzle and we chew and we slurp
Then top it all off with a great, big, BURP!
Just like my fatty wifie I got a great, big, belly and a bottomless appetite
So me and her are going gobble up everyone in sight!”
He continued before he stuck his muzzle into the house and quickly began to let his tongue roam free. The squirrels tried to run, but like flies to the tongue of a frog, they were all quickly captured and sent to his, ever-expanding, belly
Brittney grinned as she waddled her way over to the school house, her stomach bulging and bouncing as she moved through the town. It was clear this chubby, round, puppy was doing her best to show off just how fat she was
“My hubby’s right. We’ve got really big appetites
Me especially, I eat all day and I even eat all night
Just to help my belly grow all fat and big
I may be a doggie, but I eat like a pig
I’m a great, big, glutton. I’m always hungry and I’m never full
You probably guessed, with such a fat, dog, girl, that I always lick-clean my food bowl!”
She continued their song as she literally ate the roof off the school, even though it was made out of wood. The teacher was trying her best to give the frightened children instructions on how to hide behind the Valentine decorations the class had been working on. It didn’t matter though. Brittney just acted like this was her food dish at home and began to slurp up each and every tasty squirrel tot into her bulging, rounder, stomach
It didn’t take long for her to lift her head, lick her maw and let out a large burp. She then happily joined her husband at the nut storage building. It was the best protected given the precious cargo within. Even a few, brave, squirrels were outside it doing their best to keep these fat puppies away
Dan just smirked at them and continued their little song,
“There’s no stopping me and my wife
We’re greedy fatties and eating’s our biggest delight”
Brittney joined him at his side, both tummies pushed together in a way that they both seemed to enjoy, before she turned their song into a true duet
“My hubby’s right. We’re both extra fat and greedy
We love to pamper our tummies because they’re super needy”
Dan joined in, pressing himself against her even more so, something Brittney also seemed to really like,
“Now we both know a town this big would feed an entire pack,
but to me and my fat wife you’re nothing but a small, tasty, Valentine’s day, snack!”
Brittney nodded and raised a paw to pat her tummy before she continued,
“Yep, yep, yep. Just think about that
You’re whole town’s getting eaten just to add to our fat!”
It was then the 2, puppy lovers, finished their song in a manner fitting such a special, romantic, day,
“We’re so big and round,
our tummies sag to the ground
If there’s food to eat, then we’re sure to come around
You can’t hide. Yep, you’ll soon be found
Cause we like to eat, eat, eat and pack on the pounds
We’re going to eat the whole world because we’re hungry, fat, greedy hounds!”
The 2 sang in harmony, finishing off their introduction, before they both went to work on the nut storage building. Each dog ate 2 of the 4 guards outside before they peeled back the roof, each taking a side. The chunky duo licked their lips and quickly began to feast on the acorns the squirrels had collected for winter. Yes, Dan and Brittney were such gluttons that they even decided to eat the nuts along with the squirrels
Fortunately, there were a lot of squirrels hiding in this building. Almost 30 tried to defend the, hard earned, cache. Of course that didn’t work out well. As soon as a squirrel would bravely try and grab some of the, quickly disappearing, nuts, Brittney would slurp them up. If a squirrel tried to run away, Dan would get to them before they could, making sure to get a big mouthful of acorns at the same time. After all, it did give the squirrels a nice flavor
* * *
It had been a half an hour since the 2 dogs had finished eating the remaining squirrels and nuts they had tried to protect. True to their song, both of their stomachs sagged so heavily on the ground that neither hound could move. So, both pups lay on their sides in the, now empty, town. Both big, round, bulging bellies bumped against one another as their hind legs happily rubbed their mate’s bulging stomach. Both chubby dogs were panting in delight at just how fat they had gotten and neither Dan, nor Brittney, could help but lick all over the muzzle of their mate in affectionate joy
Of course, once they had slept off this “snack” they would be up, mobile and ready for more. Both Dan and Brittney were delighted by this and couldn’t wait to find the next town, village, or even city they could gobble up for another Valentine’s day snack
The End