I don’t know where to post this where anyone will believe me, but I’m already past the point of caring if anyone will believes me or not since I don’t have much time left. I know what happened, I was there, I was part of it. And that’s why we had to do a redesign for that damn movie, let me start from the beginning to let you all know what happened from the very start.
I was one of many from the studio I worked at that was hired to work on the Sonic the Hedgehog movie, I rather not say the name of where I worked in case they find out about me letting all this out. Once the head bosses gave us the green light to start working on Sonic we started going full speed ahead since me and the other people who I worked with was also fans or ether grew up with Sonic, we wanted to bring him into the real world looking as great as he could be with the realistic look we where ordered to give him.
The first few months everything went well, everything was coming together and going smoothly. On the last day of rendering and finalizing Sonic’s realistic design and now editing the movie to add Sonic in it and it’s first trailer that’s when things started getting dark, the next day we all went in to work on the movie, me and the others noticed that one of us didn’t show up to work, John was always ready to work with the editing process because he always loved his job here. When our boss came in and told us the news we was floored, he committed suicide in his home last night, cops say they found him with his wrists cut in the bath. But it wasn’t clean cuts like with a knife, it looked like it was done roughly with fingernails. This wasn’t like him at all, he had a great life, great job, it doesn’t add up to why he would do this to himself.
After getting back to work I noticed Sonic starting to look off, at first it was stuff like his blue fur was getting to be a darker blue. And I could have swore I saw red spots on his fingers near and around his fingernails but I chopped it off as my imagination over loosing one of my friends at work until it started to get worse. The next few weeks after we posted the first trailer moving on to the November 2019 release date for the movie my coworkers was getting very ill including myself and the more this happened, Sonic also continued to look more horrible as our illness only had gotten worse.
His fur had gotten to be a even more darker blue, his hands now had dagger like fingernails and chest now being covered in red that looked a lot like blood and his face, oh God his face, it looked so damn contorted and evil with his now black and almost glowing red eyes. His mouth being now in a contorted extremely wide smile with rows upon rows of sharp teeth that looked like they had bits of flesh and blood dripping from them. After seeing those fingernails I knew, I knew he was what killed John. Once our boss found out about this nightmare looking thing he demand to know who was playing around, we explained it wasn’t us but as he demanded to remove this thing from the film he soon started to clinch his chest, falling in pain as he started having a heart attack. After we had called 911 to get a ambulance for our boss I could swear I heard a voice coming from the computers saying “I am God” in the most horrific voice I have ever heard.
Then I remembered, that hacked Sonic game I had heard about from years ago that was called Sonic.EXE, the Sonic we was working on for the movie was now looking almost just like that game but now it looked worse being realistic. How could a game do this or the better question is how can a game do this to our project? But then again after what I saw happen, I knew this wasn’t a just a hacked game anymore. The stories about it on the internet are true, there is something wrong with it and now whatever it is has found a way to reach out into taking over something that it can hurt others who watch the movie.
As they took our boss to the hospital I know the others heard that voice like I did, where all so freaked out by this we didn’t even want to work on the project anymore. We all where feeling how this thing was slowly killing us by how ill we all was feeling ever since we finished that damn movie design for Sonic. We tried to get rid of the Sonic design by deleting it but after finding it the file had been renamed to “Sonic.EXE”, we tried to get rid of it but the damn thing wouldn’t delete no matter what we tried. Whatever this thing is that was Sonic was nothing but pure evil innocent and if anyone ever saw this thing in theaters it would be able to do God knows whatever it wanted to the lives of innocent people, so we did only what we knew would work. Move and burn that monster to one of the blank CD-R discs we use to back up and save our files on and keep it under lock and key, by this time the first trailer had over 60k dislikes so we used that as our cover up story and removed the first trailer from the web and as well as begin to push the movie back to February 2020 and work on another whole new design with the redesign.
It’s been two months since that monster was seen, our boss has recovered and is back to work but what’s unnerving me is that it’s coming back. No more strange things have happened since the redesign and I’m thankful for the new team that took over after we finished the new design for Sonic. But now I can feel that I’m running out of time. The other coworkers that I had worked with on that monster has all died, each one with what looks like they committed suicide in there homes within a weeks time apart with there wrists slit roughly like they used there fingernails to do it just like what Sonic did to John. When I went to go check on the disc that we had hidden away that contained that monster it was gone, nowhere to be seen or found. Someone must have found it and released the damn thing, I’m now the last one left from the team who worked on that original design of Sonic for that damn movie, and I know I can’t run from it any longer, I know it’s found me. Last night I heard that same horrific voice from months ago, taunting me with my remaining time left I have. “I found you” I heard it say from somewhere in my own home and from the corner of my eye, I thought I saw those glowing red eyes of his.
I know my time left to live is short now, I know he’s coming for me and I need to get this out before he gets me next. Now you know the truth about the redesign for the Sonic Movie, and now you’ll probably see this story as another cheap thrill to get you all spooked or something but I honestly don’t care if you believe me or not, it’s real and it’s out there. If you ever hear that horrible voice or think you see those damn glowing red eyes, pray you don’t see him and for the love of God, pray that you can outrun him better then I did.