Osgar had a passion about learning the history of the world. He had travelled to cities like Athens, famed for its classical philosophers, Rome, the heart of the Roman Empire, Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance; and Venice, the Grand Merchant Republic of the Mediterranean that stood against the Ottoman hordes. But eventually this passion led him to Albion, the White Isle. It was a land rich with its own history, from the Iron age tribes that battled against the Roman invasion to the Rise and fall of the Albion Empire. It had many stories to tell, stories that you couldn’t just look on the internet, but would have to go there and learn it from the places themselves. He wanted to see so much, but was drawn to one particular museum. The Albion Museum. It was a ginormous ornate building, with crowds of eager visitors wanting to enter the museum. Luckily for Osgar, it was for free, so he was spared exhausting his expenses. The museum was very much a fine example of the reach that the Albion Empire had. It shared artefacts from its colonial past, as well as from period much, much further back into the Nation’s history. Osgar, was enamoured by the sheer number of artefacts that had been collected, but there was one room that truly caught his attention. The Gallery of Hunters and Beasts.
This is the first Image in a series that me and Osgar have been working on. Hope you all enjoy it, as much as I have enjoyed making it.