for this special Occasion of this Valentines month for Jason Rockman and Ninjara aka Umeko's little Arrival as there Little Nisei Kit Momoko is just now born into the world and on for a early Valentines on Feb. 7th!
As the month of February had arrived in a matter of days, Jason Rockman is happy proud to see his beautiful Ninja Vixen Wife, Umeko aka Ninjara looking all happy and Pregnant that they are short for a matter of days that there little Kit will be arriving soon.
Looking after them and there little kit to come out soon as is greatest job for him that he intends to make her happy even more for there little arrival to come out soon.
"Hey dear, Feeling like she'll be coming soon?" Concerned Jason as he looks at as Ninjara turns her head at him with a smile on her face.
"Uh huh, This might be it for our little one to come out soon at any Given point in time."
Jason being happy and proud to be her Husband as he places his paw on the shoulder of her chair as he look at her pregnant belly then sees it move.
"Oh my... Shes kicking..." Exclaimed Umeko as Jason watches seeing as there little one all excited to come out anytime soon. "All ready to come out? Please be patient for your mother." As he gives it a sweet tender kiss to the side of her belly as the little one inside her kicks in a straight line keeping himself safe from being kicked.
Jason looks with a sweet smile at Ninjara as he says: "Its so great to have you be like this. My job is to secure you for a better future and me to be with you at all times~"
As Ninjara says: "Aww... Your too kind but don't go Celebrating just yet! Until our little one arrives then you can be proud of yourself and for us."
As Jason replies: "Your right, Sorry, I get overexcited sometimes... Hehe. I do it for our little one!"
Ninjara speaks to her pregnant belly: "You hear that? I hope you won't get too excited often once you arrived, Huh little one?" As she rubs her belly in compassion as she slowly stops kicking.
Many days later since February begun as Jason Takes care of his Japanese wife Ninjara aka Umeko keeping a close eye on her as it his job to take care of her.
"You've been a little restless maybe you should take a short nap." Ninjara says being concerned.
"Don't feel sleepy anyway i would love to see the day when she arrives."
"Patience is a virtue, Jay, We all get our rewards when we are at our peak for being grateful at any given point in time to look after to one another. Like you said earlier when you taught me to be patient and never give up on it."
Jason replies happily: "I'm glad to be a great teacher to you as well." As he rubs her back for being compassionant and feeling grateful to have her. Then he stands up and says, "I'll get you some Celery with cream cheese."
"Thank you, Hon. Taking good care of me and my baby is your job to keep us healthy."
As Jason smile as he goes to the kitchen to make some and soon about a few seconds he hears a great grunt from Ninjara with quick reaction he rushes to her side that he has great hearing from a distance.
"What... Is it...?" Seeing her as her water just broke.
"Yes... Its time..."
"Alright, Hang in there and take easy breathes!"
With quick reaction as Jason is like being auto piloted for her safety picks her up by his arms and carries her gently to there car and places her on the passengers seat and buckles her up lightly for the safety for there baby.
He quickly calls the hospital to commence them to be ready and begun the procedure as they will arrive.
He drives Ninjara to the nearest recommended Hospital as he drives Versatility from traffic, Sooner they managed to arrive safely as the Medics are on standby from the Entrance.
"Hang in there Umeko, We just arrived!" As Umeko is holding onto to as shes in Labor as Jason Quickly gets out of the car and opens the passenger side unbuckles her and picks her up with the help of medics and places her on a Stretcher as they rush to the emergency room as Jason goes along with her to help with the Delivery of her baby.
Soon after hes with her to morally help her go through with it as they have been practicing together in the past days to deal with contractions for her.
"Alright, Love. Just give it one easy push for her..."
As Ninjara tries to as the contractions are getting a bit rough for her as she tries to make it through.
"UGH!" As she slowly tries to give birth, Jason makes it easy for her as she lets him hold his hand as he'll expect a tight grip from her as they squeezed so hard together as Jason feels the strongest grip from her as he tries to endure it to be strong for her.
"You can do it, Umeko... For the Gods you can do it!!" As Jason says to keep herself alive as she gives one good push as they gripped together... "I'll go help deliver!"
As Jason moves in a position between her legs braving for the images that no one wants to see along with the doctors as they assist trying to release Jason and Umeko Kit as she is enduring it and soon as Jason sees the head he slowly pulls it out with caring hands until...
The little miracle vixen slowly arrives from Ninjara as Jason carries it proudly seeing her as she is so beautiful and peach colored from the gods above and he slowly gives it to Ninjara as the little baby vixen starts to wake up and cries a bit feeling alert around her.
"There there little one, Your safe with us, Your mommy and daddy here to protect you..." As the little one starts to see them as she smiles seeing caring faces and slowly rests on Ninjara's caring arms.
As everything is calm as Ninjara heals from her birth in her own Hospital room with Valentines gifts and heart balloons all around her for this Special occasion carrying there own little Nisei kit along with her Handsome Foxy Husband Jason Rockman as he is looking at every gift to them for saying a Congratulations for there little Arrival and for one Valentines gift heart card saying "Luv U."
"Welcome to the world, Momoko. It means Peach Child in Japanese and it can also mean Apricot and A Hundred as well, Its a Honorable name." As Jason says it Proudly.
"Yes it is, I like it! No, I love it! You have such good Decisions for names, Jason love." As Ninjara says to her Beau. "Glad you have you with us, Momoko. As Ninjara speaks to her Nisei kit as Momoko smiles and opens her eyes seeing them looking all happy at her.
"I love you Umeko and you little Momo. Plum and peach together in Harmony...~"
As Ninjara purrs from Jason's reply, "Our little Momo...~" As they embrace together for there little Vixen Goddess...