Character: Hikaru belongs to AeonsFeather on FA LordBunBuns belongs to LordBunBun on FA Silverstar belongs to SupaM381 on FA Wolfgest belongs to WNeonfuzz on Twitter Terry belongs to BlackHusky97 on FA Clawer belongs to Clawerplan on FA Mardu belongs to Enryu91 on FA Machape belongs to Mapacherandom on FA Leo belongs to Still-not-ranga on FA Nickler belongs to Nicker on DIscord Meeper belongs to Meeper on FA Lucian Enferre belongs to Enferre on FA Oxy belongs to Ilotoxy on FA Pom belongs to Pom on Discord Mako belongs to Makeeto on FA Shey belongs to Fayinga on FA Oshi belongs to O-ishi on FA Kanogetz belongs to Kanogetz on FA Dante belongs to Black_latex_goo_monser on FA