Gabe, in the universe of the Anime Toon Institute where T.K was trained by One Punch Man, has just met T.K, who insists that he is Gabe's new babysitter after Gabe has been assigned back to preschool. Due to the power difference, TK can treat Gabe as an actual preschooler/kindergartner. Rather than bully him, he just sees this as treating him the way he's supposed to be treated; like a 2-3 year old.
This scene occurs after TK has tickled Gabe until he wets his pants and decides Gabe needs to learn to use the potty. Gabe has his soiled Pokemon briefs down and is sat on a Frozen themed Potty High Chair with a tray locked into place, trapping his arms at his sides. T.K is standing over him with a spoon, shoving butterscotch laxative pudding into Gabe's mouth and greeting Kairi who has just entered offscreen.
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