Character Sheet for Mara Milkal
Energetic,optimistic,friendly,loyal and always smiling
Sour food, Her mistresses, Making yummy food
Mara dislikes anything that threatens her mistresses happiness or safty
Father-Thetcher Maw a.k.a Showstopper(The showstoppers progeny are far and wide giving Mara an uncountable amount of siblings.)
Mother-Lgnata Atla(Deceased)
Children- Hnther (Son given to a church of stygia, fathered by a patron during her time as prostitute. Has since died of old age.)
Krell Milkal( Daughter born during her service of the sisters from a visiting lord. Avoided the curse while practicing to become a squire. Deceased died in combat.)
Does have descendants from both of her children. the milkal family have served in the kara militia for generations
a Pendant made from her daughters blood.