A New Contemporary Resurrection
Chapter 2
A few days passed, and as I gave my word, I flew back to town to be with my old buddy Kiersten. The Douglas DC-7C chugged to a stop by the stairway, which I pulled up by to connect to the plane. I deplaned, closed the door, and wheeled the stairway away to the hangar. I walked towards town.
I reached the general store to see her sweeping. We hugged, and she said that she'll be off in 10 minutes, anyways, to which I replied that I'll be waiting at Hyde's eatery until then. I did just that until she popped her head inside. We embraced, and struck up a bit of little talk.
``So, anything new?'' I said
``Not much, no'' she curtly replied
``I'm going over to Lewis's to inspect his car. That way I'll know how to fix it'' I said
``Ok'' she said
``meet you soon at Hyde's when I'm done'' I said
I trekked over to Lewis's house, where he was standing at the front porch.
``Hey there'' I said
``Hello'' he replied back
``Mind if I go and inspect your car?'' I said
``Go right ahead'' he replied
I went into his garage, and ducked underneath the car, I then got up after a thorough look, and opened the hood to inspect the inside. After finishing a good look in there, I turned to Lewis, and told him.
``Well, the pretty much everything's alright. It just needs an engine rebuild, and an overhaul of the differential. I thought it would need to be replaced entirely but we can just simply replace individual components of it'' I said
He grunted a ``huh'' in reply to say that he heard me.
I went to the eatery, and joined Kiersten at the table she was waiting for me at. I joined her there.
``So, how's everything?'' she asked
``Usual'' I said
``I see'' she said
``Kept looking forward to seeing you again'' I said frankly
``Aw, I know'' she replied
``I suppose everything is usual for you too'' I said
``Yeah'' she said simply
We sat together in silence for a good while.
``You know'' I said wistfully, ``it kind of sucks not talking much unless it is about something I like, then again, I like it, so it doesn't''
``Yeah, I wonder how I can relate to that so much'' she said
``Well, I guess we can relate to this, so why not we talk about that, I guess?'' I said
She chuckled. ``Yeah'' she said
``What do people, not just around here, but in general treat you based on how your personality is?'' I said
``Well, differently, that's for sure. I suppose that it's same/similar for you'' she said
``Surprise surprise. I might as well be looking at a mirror, looking at a girl copy of myself'' I said smartly
She chuckled at that. Silence fell again, so I playfully repeatedly jabbed her glasses upwards. She reciprocated by doing the same.
``It's horn-rimmed like mine. I am very confident that you have metal ones too?'' I said
``Yup'' she said
``Also, retrofitted to non-prescription? It may not be what got us together, but we couldn't see shit to save our lives if our said lives counted on it. I obviously got better, but you?'' I said
``Same. I figured if old habits die hard, might as well not harm my eyes'' she replied
``Exactly'' I agreed curtly
We sat there pointlessly for another few minutes. Then I said we should go around town for a bit, and she agreed. We got up, and headed out.
``Still can't believe my childhood love bestie could be in a remote town up here in the Northwest'' I said. ``I'm just glad to see you again''
``You too. You too'' she said
We walked to a curb, and I sat down, closing my eyes and drawing a deep breath. It was a bit mundane of a town, but I think I can live it down here.
``I think I'll make it a habit to come here as much as I can, until I become a full-time townsfolk resident'' I said
``Nice'' she said
``And expect us to hang out a lot together. Like, a LOT'' I said in a most unnecessarily emphatic tone
``Yay!!'' she said happily, knowing full well that I was mostly doing it not because I needed a guide, but just because I wanted to
``Nuzzle?'' I said. She nodded
After nuzzling each other for a good few minutes, I said, ``First thing that needs updating is the infrastructure. I mean, the streets need an overhaul! From worn asphalt to crumbled concrete, this place needs a refreshing''
She simply giggled ``heh'' in response
I decided to head to Town Hall. ``George,'' I said upon crossing the entrance threshold, ``I'd like to help with infrastructure renovation''
George faintly smiled back. ``Yes, but I don't have the means to secure construction of it. Even if we can pay for one, how will we get them out here into this town?'' he said
``I'll help! I did roadwork part-time back during my high school days, and the memories haven't been lost upon me. I'll even buy pavement material, and asphalt, and transport it here myself. I can also teach them townsfolk how to lay each material'' I said, prepared for that response
George raised an eyebrow? ``You did? Wow. Interesting job taking on road construction. And really? You'd help?''
``Can't operate this town with shoddy infrastructure, so I'll do as much as I can to help'' I said empathetically
``Very well then'' he nodded. ``I'll allow it. But tell me, what do you have in mind?''
``Well, I plan on transporting construction material, and equipment here. Then I can pave the roads about here'' I said
``By yourself?'' the mayor raised an eyebrow
``Well, I'll consider it my civic duty to my new home. Although, yes I will be hiring hep as well. Get professional assistance to get this job done faster while still done properly'' I said
The mayor casted eyes at me in shock over my words. ``Really!? You've considered-'' he said, unable to finish the sentence
``- this town home sweet home, yeah'' I finished the sentence
``... Well, thank you for your civic duty, young man!'' George exclaimed, still a bit taken back by the sincerity of my adamant declaration
``No problem'' I said. ``See you again soon''
``Yes, bye'' the mayor said
I headed back to the airfield, and said, ``thanks. It was awesome hanging out with you again. Can't wait to take you with me so you can see my shit living conditions there'' I said
``Can't wait'' said Kiersten cheerfully
I looked at the ground like a child afraid of being caught, and scolded, and innocently, vulnerably, said ``I love you'', all my emotional defences taken down, showing my heart into the open
``I know. Me too'' she replied, reaching out, and stroking behind my ears. I blushed furiously.
``Tell me, you dated anyone after me?'' I asked
``Well, not really. Maybe a few others, but they never came close to you'' she said
Appreciating her honesty, I sheepishly pulled my ears back a god bit
I boarded the DC-7, and off I flew, back to home.
Pulling up to home, I went in, and smoked a pack sitting on the floor, impatient to go the fuck back.
The next day, it was a visit to my company as boss. I quietly greeted everyone I passed, being standard to do so, and sat at my desk in the office.
``Well, well, well, what lovebird do we have here?'' teased Gregory Masterson, my trusty assistant executive, and second highest company member, after me
``Shut the hell up, Greggy'' I said
``Hah, you're always something, Levi'' he said
I flippantly shot daggers looking at that Golden Jackal for a brief moment.
``Really?'' he replied
``And?'' I said with a playful pretend smugness
``Heh, alright'' he replied
``You seem pretty content about that girl of yours, yeah'' he replied
``Yeah'' I replied simply
``Heh, you've always had a heart full of sap, after all'' he said
``And what's that got to do with you?'' I reprised
``Heh, well, nothing, honestly. But still'' he said simply
``Well, someday, I hope to take you bozos there, if you're all up for that'' I said
He nodded. ``Oh really?'' he said
``Sure. I thought you all might like it'' I replied simply
``Alright, might take you up on it'' he replied
I looked at my watch tepidly, before turning to my computer
Work passed as usual, and the day ended like usual. I finished my computer work, and got ready to leave.
``Hey, want to come over to the bar before we all part?'' shouted Gregory from behind me
I turned around, and replied ``sure, if you want''
We headed to a small bar, where I drank contentedly. After drinking a good bit (I never drank too much - despite having a high tolerance for alcohol, I still drank an amount considered even low for average drinkers), I relieved myself in the bathroom, and headed to my car to nurse loneliness. ``Sorry dear, but I don't feel like being with someone tonight. Maybe next time'' I said dismissingly, hugging Gregory
``Alright'' he nodded, departing into the distance
I got into my car, and just stared into the distance a good while. Then I got out my pack of Seven Stars, and puffed quietly, wondering to myself, just thinking.
It was still amazing that I discovered someone I had lost a long while ago, I didn't doubt that, but I'm grateful. It's more than what I could ever ask for, honestly. After finishing the pack, I started it up, and went for a nice long, lone drive down the road, wanting nothing but the next time to meet again.
End of Chapter 02