“Awh man. I think I may have finally had a successful day off.” Donovan yawned, stretching himself out along the bench he was sitting on. With a smack of his lips and a grin, he stood up and made his tail swish around with excitement. Perhaps he’d splurge a little and treat himself to a good and honest meal at a fancy restaurant.
As he took a step forward, he yelped and his eyes got big. The reason? Well, someone just slapped his butt, that’s why.
He blushed a little bit, slowly turning before catching a glimpse of someone’s hair. He then pouted, instantly annoyed. He could tell by the height and the giggling that followed that this was the action of a small child.
Leering down with his hands on his hips, he confirmed his suspicions instantly. It was just some brat.
“Haha. Sorry. I couldn’t resist. You’ve got a big butt.” The young leopard boy in short-shorts and a green tank top exclaimed. “It looked like a big bouncy ball.”
Donovan rolled his eyes and tapped his foot. “Hey, do you mind not smacked people on the butt for dumb reasons like that? You do that whenever you want and you’ll end up in prison one day, okay?”
The leopard boy pouted back at him. “No one’s gonna care if some big butt gets a spanking. Das why they only spank losers when they’re not babies.”
Donovan blinked. That… didn’t make any sense at all.
Granted, this kid looked about 4 or 5 years old. Maybe he deserved to be taught a lesson of some kind.
“Uhm… sorry? That’s not true. That’s not how any of what you said works.” Donovan laid down the gauntlet here, annoyed by faulty logic and wanting the record set straight that it was very much NOT okay to spank his butt.
“Huh? But why? You’re a loser right? You smell like one.” The kid said back.
Donovan blushed. “Whether or not I’m a loser isn’t the point! Also, I’m not a loser! What you’re smelling is a man’s musk. It’s not the musk of some submissive beta boy.”
“What’s a beta?” The kid tilted his head with a brow raised.
“Oh!” Donovan was even redder in the face, hating how he let that term slip out. “It’s uh…”
“Is it a fancy word for loser?”
“No! I mean, yes… technically… look I-” Donovan began before he spotted the kid reaching over and fluffing his tail next. The raccoon winced, feeling weird when his tail was grabbed and matted like that. He’d had enough by this point and angrily yanked his tail from the boy. “Cut it out!”
“Ow!” The boy winced when the tail was jerked from him. He stumbled and smacked against Donovan’s body. “Jerk!” He shouted, banging on Donovan’s legs with his fists.
“Dumb brat!” Donovan snapped. He grabbed the kid by the back of his shirt and lifted him off of him. “You like spanked butts? How would YOU like it if I spanked YOUR butt huh?”
“AH! No! Let me go!” The kid shouted, wiggling about as Donovan grinned mischievously.
He then felt a tap on his shoulder.
“What do you want?” Donovan was beyond annoyed at this point. “Can’t you see I’m busy dealing with a-!”
Donovan stumbled back and dropped the little boy. The kid rushed over to the guy who just punched Donovan in the face and grabbed his leg. “Johnny!” He shouted, excited to see the taller Leopard boy.
He looked like the young leopard kid, except he was about the size of Donovan and obviously a lot older… and he had a lot more muscle on him too.
Donovan winced and grabbed his face, whining as he stood and shook with a twitchy spasm. “What the heck?! Why’d you hit me you jerk?!”
The tall leopard, whose name was Johnny apparently, snarled at the disgruntled raccoon before responding with an intense yell. “Why’d I hit you? Because you threatened to spank my little brother! What do you think?!”
Donovan blinked. “Little… brother…?”
The young leopard hugged his older brother’s leg tighter when Donovan stared back at him. “He was teasing me.” The young lad said.
“What?! No I wasn’t! HE was teasing ME!” Donovan quickly snapped.
“I just saw you yanking him up and talking about spanking him.” The leopard shouted back. “You think being older means treating kids like crap? Let’s see how YOU like it!”
“Oh please! I didn’t do nothing wrong!” Donovan defended himself before smiling. “But please, be my guest. I’ll show you what’s what. I may not look it, but I’m a regular fighter at the Wrestle-Boxing center in Station Square! I’m a pretty frequent fi-OOF!”
Donovan’s eyes widened when he got slugged in the gut and bent over the older leopard’s fist. He let out a loud fart that made the littler leopard giggle.
“Whaugh…?” Donovan muttered, trying to properly regain his senses to fight back. He got as far as raising his fists before rapid fire punches were laid across his body. His head and body were battered every which way before he stood there wobbling like a mannequin that was about to fall over.
“So, how high quality is this Wrestle-Boxing center?” Johnny asked, being facetious.
“Duuuh Apple Pie tastes great with a nice side of sneakers and soap!” Donovan giggled, eyes rolling with his tongue out. Oh how delighted he was to hear all the birdies chirping.
“Hey now. Don’t lose your mind just yet. I’m just getting started!” Johnny exclaimed, yanking Donovan into a huge fight cloud that saw the Raccoon yelping loudly while shreds of his shirt, shoes, and socks go everywhere. The little boy, watching this whole thing, made short jabs at the air while cheering his bro on.
“Hey Terry!” Johnny called back to his little brother. “Take a gander at this! It’s called a Melvin wedgie!” He smirked, reaching for Donovan’s Teen Titans briefs that had been exposed thanks to his lowered shorts. With a mighty tug, he got the underwear yanked up to the sides of his body, which made Donovan belt out an extremely loud scream that echoed into the sunset.
What followed was the sounds of the raccoon’s butt getting repeatedly swatted. How ironic.
When that entire ordeal was done and the two brothers left, feeling content with themselves, Donovan was on his way home. He had to try his best to ignore the occasional camera flash and laugh thrown his way.
“Y-Yeah… I probably pressed my luck thinking I could just go out to eat after having a day off with no incident. I’ll just head on home and pass out on my front lawn…” Donovan muttered to himself, gritting his teeth through the intense pain of the wedgie that was lodged in his butt while trying to see through the one eye that hadn’t been turned into a bright purple shiner.
What a surprise for the end of the day. He could only be so lucky as to experience another one.
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