*When the latest update breaks everything Here, I found this bug.
Made this a little later, but also still relevent. Deviantart Eclipse is still being worked on, so you could expect a few mishaps here and there. I found all of them. XD The last update seems to have caused a few bugs that were fixed a long time ago but have no resurfaced. Wonder if they'll get them ree-fixed again this wednesday since that's when they usually do updates and its been two weeks.
So, thank you all the folks in my supporter Discord for helping me confirm the bugs so I can report them to the staff. It helps me make sure it isn't just a problem with my own session or browser.
Big Chunky Bugs Found this update season - Image resize bug via profile picture for png files - Abouts section forgetting information when editing.
What I find funny is that when eclcipse just began, they had a gif profile bug and only png images loaded right. XD And that was fixed for many months, so I wonder what messed up the png's this time. I found some other bugs this week, but they weren't as apparent as those two. Hope they all get squashed soon. I wonder when they're going to work on the Groups section.