I tried doing a 3D print of v747's Sweetie Bot and painting the miniature. I'm terri-bad at painting lol The paint kinda ruined the detail of the 3D print.
Paint is easy enough to strip. Black is an easier undercoat to work with and should allow you to provide depth in place of the ink wash that you used. Considering the tone of Sweetie Belle's coat, you may even try a deep red undercoat and feather white over it if you are feeling particularly confident in your abilities and have plenty of time to spend on the project.
Also, avoid metallics on anything that is not supposed to be flat metal and even then only over a black undercoat. Multiple thin layers of watered down paint over a white undercoat would have been best for the mane and tail. Vertical brush strokes would give it the illusion of being hair. Yeah, white blended over the bits that are supposed to be pink and sky blue over the bits that are supposed to be violet.
Oh, and on the base, do it completely separately from the model. It will make the illusion of scale worlds better. A good base is art in its own right. Although, that is one tiny model. It would have to be something simple like the dais of Carousel Boutique.
You wouldn't be interested in getting some help with that, would you? I haven't dug out my old paints in years, but I bet that I could still do passable work.
Paint is easy enough to strip. Black is an easier undercoat to work with and should allow you to pr