Es el día del examen, algunos solo están hablando de las razones del por que se están enamorados, otros se encuentran observando a quienes aman y el resto esta esperando a que esto comience.
En ese momento el Profesor Tabata Sensei les grito.
- ¡Tendrán 90 minutos para presentar el examen! ¡Recuerden que un solo error en el procedimiento o en el resultado, les garantizara un cero por lo que verifique antes de entregar! ¡ Ya dicho esto, entregare los exámenes para comenzar con la evaluación! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (With the special participation of MikeyEx)
It is the day of the exam, some are just talking about the reasons why they are in love, others are watching those they love and the rest is waiting for this to begin.
At that moment Professor Tabata Sensei yelled at them.
- You will have 90 minutes to take the exam! Remember that a single error in the procedure or in the result, will guarantee a zero for what you verify before delivering! Having said that, I will turn in the exams to begin the evaluation!
Such nice art! Those students even look sad, and of course, it's because they failed an exam and got very low grades. Actually, this is my biggest fear - to fail a test. Of course, also, I wouldn't say I like getting bad grades, but sometimes, the tasks can be very hard, especially when I have to write something. But, in such situations, I prefer using help. Last week I sent my term paper from my literature course, which was on The Color Purple, one of my favorite novels. But it wasn't very easy to write, and I was running out of time. I was lucky to find one page where I managed to read more information and also The Color Purple essay examples, which really helped me out. I read the whole novel twice, but I still had difficulties, which I overcame thanks to the info from those exams. So, I completed the term paper I sent successfully, and I hope that I complete all the exams I'll also pass.
Such nice art! Those students even look sad, and of course, it's because they failed an exam and got