Character Sheet for George the Rabbit
Deceased (died in 1801, at age 77)
Since he was a warrior, he had a serious edge to his personality. He also liked to have fun with his fellow red rabbit warriors.
Likes: Fighting, his tribe, Jessica (his future wife), Chief James, winning battles
Dislikes: Losing battles, losing his fellow warriors
George the Rabbit was born to a tribe of red rabbits in the early-mid 18th century, in a part of Northamer that would later be occupied by the Kingdom of Acorn. His name at birth was Kapapamahchakwew, which he had until he chose to change his name to "George" in 1774. He was his tribe's top warrior, and would eventually get first dibs on the daughter of a rival chief. The two would be together until death did them part in 1801.
Jessica the Rabbit (wife), Ruby, Sarah and Jared the Rabbits (descendants)
The same world as Jared the Rabbit, but several centuries in the past.
His body type was similar to Jared the Rabbit- tall and slender.
He wore leather pants, a feather in his head, war paint, a necklace with a fang on it and a loincloth.