*It was Christmas Day, and everyone at Skurry's house got up in the morning and rushed to go open presents. Skurry, Foxy, and Riley all head downstairs first, but are all curious to see what Dawnlite has gotten for Christmas, and decide to hold off on opening their presents until Dawnlite opens his. As Dawnlite went downstairs, he noticed there were two presents addressed to him, one of them appeared to be wrapped in traditional festive wrapping, while the other had fire over a black background with skulls and crossbones. "Oooh, must be a cool toy!" he says, "I'd better save that one for last, I bet I've been a real good boy to earn something that has fire on the label, must be something super cool! I should open the cristmasey-looking one first! W-wait, what's that smell?" Dawnlite sniffed around and eventually noticed the smell was coming from the other box. "Riley, did you give this to me?" he asked. "I don't remember, someone else might have wrapped it, you might have to see what's inside." Riley replied. "Okay, I better go back to opening presents, then I can see what cool thing you must have given me here!" Dawnlite ripped the wrapping off and quickly lifted the lid, and as he saw what was inside, he gasped and broke down into tears. Inside, was coal! The box was full of crushed up coal! Dawnlite began shoveling through it with his paws, crying from depression! He was absolutely sure he was on the nice list! As he shoveled through it, he found a note with a familiar handwriting. "S-Skurry, h-how could you do this to me..." He cried out as he read the note in his head, which stated: "Set yourself on fire you naughty boy. >:3" Everyone was staring at Dawnlite by this point, Dawnlite continues to cry, and out of frustration, he rips the vinyl right off of the other present and yanks the lid off, which the present immediately explodes into a fireball of flames! Dawnlite immediately catches fire and screams in agony while crying! Everyone runs away as the Christmas tree catches fire, everyone but Skurry, who watches as Dawnlite's real presents catch fire and start to burn into ashes and melt! Dawnlite cries in agony as he screams for help! Apparently, someone had filled the present with Gasoline and put a match on the lid so when the lid is taken off the match ignites the gasoline. Their intent was to harm Skurry, but Skurry knew he had it coming. The coal, however, was meant for Racket, but Skurry had changed the label so it looks like it's for Dawnlite. He watches as the fire starts to consume his Christmas cabin in the woods while Dawnlite tries to drag himself to safety! Skurry finally got to see what it's like to watch the whole world burn.