I give permission to anyone who wishes to draw him, but before doing so, I must know what art he will be in. I will send replies on what I will and will not do with my characters.
made the art of this wonderful design. Drop by his userpage for commissions and your own chance of being in a YCH. __________
Jason is what most would call a bounty Hunter/Assassin combo of sorts, as he considers taking missions seriously like his inspiration from Shadow. He did take up combat training and weapons training before the Eggman War. After the Eggman war, he heard about the end of the resistance, hoping Eggman would be found and brought to justice. However, as Eggman managed to get away without being captured, Jason has set up a plan. When Eggman is beaten for good, he will have to choose: Turn over a new leaf, or be executed by Jason himself.
Age: 21
Species: Wolf (Considers himself a fox)
Personality: Like Shadow, the dark wolf prefers to work alone, often thinking to himself about his plans to put Eggman down for good. He does help Sonic and his friends every once in a while, but disappears afterwards. He does get frustrated easily, as he was reported to have taken out everyone at a warzone he had been stationed at during the war. When it comes to relationships, he has been known to be cautious of anyone who should mess with him or his date/possible girlfriend.
Sexuality: Although he claims to be straight, his internet browser shows otherwise, as Jason is secretly a bisexual who would enjoy the simple life of a three person relationship.
Relatives: Jasper The Wolf (Older/"Twin" Brother.)
Clothing: He usually wears a set of blue jeans and a red t shirt with a sleeveless black vest, red fingerless gloves and a black set of Sonic's power sneakers.
Weaponry: When it comes to weapons, Jason makes sure to ask a certain Purple Weasel about weapons against the mad doc. He usually uses a AK-47 for mid range shooting, switchblade for short range combat, and a sniper rifle for long range clearance.
Likes: Helping out, Stopping Eggman, getting paid, relationships, ending conflicts Dislikes: Eggman (Very much), not getting cash, breaking his weapons, losing family, ending relationships, being bothered while relaxing, ect...