Yup :3 Valentine's Day is also my Character Kaname Rose's 18th birthday~ :3 (yes she's 17 and 5ft2 >BU)
So her forever alone ass is at home all day on the 14th eating icecream and screaming "HE'S LYING!" at soap opera chicks whenever a guy says he loves them. She believes loves come to all those BUT her so she doesn't take compliments or gifts very well unless a family member or friend gives it to her. She's my little forever alone black fluffle kitteh <3~
This HORRIBLE sketch (PFFFT Who am I kidding XD ALL my sketches are horrible~!) and Kaname (C) Meee~
She will be fine. I'm doing this thing to, just my tv is always turned off. ...you call this horrible? I had a water painting what made my art teacher send me home asap. That was horrible, this's cute!
She will be fine. I'm doing this thing to, just my tv is always turned off. ...you call this horribl
If you knew her back story you wouldn't think sooo~ :D PFFT I can't stand the TV being off DX I feel like I'm in a horror film!! ;3; Woah o.o.....lol if you say soo >w>
If you knew her back story you wouldn't think sooo~ :D PFFT I can't stand the TV being off DX I feel
It's clear Kaname tried to hurt poor Valentino (what am I saying again, poor ROBERTO) through the television! Evidence! /point to claw marks/ She has routine, for sure, in this: the icecream bin is spilled out in the right way, I once (as I get this kind of sweets once) made it spilling out in the opposite way... boy, that was giving me a chill!
It's clear Kaname tried to hurt poor Valentino (what am I saying again, poor ROBERTO) through the te
Understand, Teletubbies. I like them too. I was around 10-12 yo back than. Just imagine I'm sitting, sweets in my both (if I recall it right, it was jelly beans) hand and a bucket of icecream near big as my head sliding down from my lap. I end up being covered down to my elbows. But that's what you get when you let an Europee with sweet teeth watch wrestling (or was it Barney, the r*tard dinosaur?) for the first time.
Understand, Teletubbies. I like them too. I was around 10-12 yo back than. Just imagine I'm sitting,