This one parodies the 1966 animated TV special adaption of How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss, with Nitros Oxide as the Grinch himself, in his attempt to steal Christmas from the Earthlings, but on the first house, he was caught by his children Kosmik and Galaksi, mistaken him for Santa Claus, all while he's stuffing the tree up. It'll seem Komodo Joe WON'T like this at all.
Trivia: I've read the original book of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and seen the Chuck Jones cartoon special of it as a child, meanwhile 19 years ago I've seen the live action movie adaption starring Jim Carrey as the title character himself, last year was the Illumination Entertainment CGI movie adaptation that I haven't seen yet, but NO spoilers please.