Character Sheet for Leonardo
Character Description
A painter bun who's scared of fireworks and loves painting with his mom, a missing leg and a pair of glasses!
He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, he
Painting, his friends, and especially his dads cooking, absolutey LOVES painting with his mom
Absolutely despises fireworks and loud booming sounds
When he was 7, someone played a "prank" on the 4th of july and left a box of firecrackers on his doorstep, being a dumb dumb he thought the best way to deal with the situation was the kick the box away, that set them all off blowing his leg off, giving him an absolute fear of fireworks and loud noises. Ever since he could hold a pen he drew, his mom taught him all he knew, and still teaches him even now!
His mom, an English Lop, hit it big being a painter and continues to do it for large sums of money from museum owners and the rich.
His dad is a Netherlands Dwarf whos a chef for a fine dining establishment, he brings in a solid paycheck, and he cooks for the family when he's home, his side of the family is why Leo has bad eyesight
Normal world, Leos a higher-middle class family in a nice neighborhood
Tan fur, with white strips going across his neck, ankles and wrists, 2 "band-aid" like white markings on the bridge of his foot