When the battle starts going the wrong way and Ion experiences great moments of stress, the dormant dragon's blood in his body (as one of his ancestors on his mother's side was a dragon) starts to pulsate in his body and he is able to transform into a dragon similar to a devil trigger from DevilMayCry. This gives his body extreme durability and regenerating powers, able to quickly regenerate any injury suffered (although he cannot regenerate any injury suffered prior to unlocking this form). This also gives him mastery over his Fire Psynergy at a cost of some of his Lightning Psynergy (where in his standard fox form his Fire is lacking and he is a Lightning master). Ion eventually learns to control when and how long he can transform into his dragon form instead of only relying on great moments of stress by studying the ways of the dragon with the help of his dragon friend Lazar. It was Ion's learning about his dragon ancestor and wanting to learn more about them that lead to his travels of the mountain dragon villages where he ended up meeting Lazar in the first place (this was all before he got injured the first time and lost his left arm). While in this form, Ion does have a tendency to not know how powerful his Fire Psynergy is and tends to set a lot of things ablaze that he doesn't mean to but at least there is one friend who almost always accompanies him that can handle the fallout.....