Please go check the original post for the full story : Thanks Kammy for my second cameo in her story, again as a lawyer. She called me schlubby, I had to look that word up schlubby : Clumsy, oafish, or socially awkward; unattractive or unkempt. One thing sure, I do fit the clumsy socially awkward description.
Here, at Huff and Puff, legal advice 555-law4U, we care about the people. We take all the cases about the Smol pandemic which has hit the world. You may be little, but we don't want to belittle you. Just like with miss Roo, we will jump on the mistakes of your big bullies and over'oo their ojections, take their butts down under and change your situation !
We care.
And you can trust I know how it is. I'm the estranged adopted son of a certain C.E.O. of a company involved in the distribution of the F.O.Y. and the consequences it has on people. I've been through them. We can't let those irresponsible grown-ups push us around. We will make your, our, rights be heard. It'll be no tantrum. At Huff and Puff, we will blow their houses down.