Righteous!! What a handsome officer of the law he turned out to be. ;3 This is a super-cute and well-drawn Patreon reward!~ Major kudos for sharing! I dig this shep a lot. :D
Righteous!! What a handsome officer of the law he turned out to be. ;3 This is a super-cute and well
WOAH. :O That's one helluva wild snippet of backstory... 8) color me intrigued! So poor Renard lost limbs and such in the past, through the Army? What a natural-born survivor he is! I have a bit of newfound respect for him now. <3
WOAH. :O That's one helluva wild snippet of backstory... 8) color me intrigued! So poor Renard lost
Over time, his teeth, eye (it retains the blind gray of the natural one) and left foreleg were replaced. The extremely advanced company which installed the replacements later replaced his entire spine and ribcage, and an experimental treatment converted his remaining bones to composite. He was in two (fictional) wars over seven years, and had eight major injuries, after the first seven of which he soon returned to combat. His bionic eye (a few other officers have them) sees in infrared and ultraviolet and can export data. Their tech is pretty useful.
Over time, his teeth, eye (it retains the blind gray of the natural one) and left foreleg were repla
He literally sounds like a character I would've conjured up in a gnarly-wild story... my goodness, he's been through an awful lot! But wow, nearly indestructible by nature. Thanks a ton to technology! :O Really cool character. ;) But I'm partially biased to German sheps, so... (he's still awesome! <3)
He literally sounds like a character I would've conjured up in a gnarly-wild story... my goodness, h