Title based off the first line of Rainbow Dash's part in the Gala song at the finale of season 1
probably worked harder on this than I should have. I wanted to put a lot of small details into the poster to make it look aged and worn
This is how it started X3 derpibooru.org/1775878
Whenever I think about how far the characters have come, one of the first things to jump into my mind is how Rainbow idolised these renowned stunt flyers and wanted to be a famous, respected flyer like them, always dreaming of joining that famous team, saying "One day! One day I’ll be a Wonderbolt!" and people scoffed… and then she proved them wrong, one step at a time.
so yeh just wanted to create a little thing illustrating her dream and its fulfilment.
You go, Dashie! Light up the sky.
5 years ago
01 Dec 2019 01:35 CET
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