Ever since the beginning of the Neon Circus Grand Prix, the game was data-mined to mention content from the upcoming Winter Festival Grand Prix, and Yaya Panda, alongside Rilla Roo *Making his second appearance after Crash Bash while he had a cameo appearance in Neon Circus*, the main star Hasty *Was Fasty, actually called Trippo, a hippopotamus was thought to be a scrapped CTR character, but actually created as some sort of search engine mascot by Bob Rafei* the either a Moose or Reindeer *More Christmas themed*, as well as Chick Gizzard Lips and and Stew making their playable debut, are going to be in the next Grand Prix, makes sense because Yaya's outfit is green and red, and Rilla has red and white pants, all Christmas colors.
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled will be Yaya's first appearance since Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 2, just like Crunch Bandicoot and Nina Cortex, which was released 9 years ago on mobile devices, although she's yet to be confirmed, I'm still happy she'll make a return appearance which will be her 4th appearance overall, and also because she and the Rocket kart *Originally from CBNK2 released on Nitro Tour Grand Prix* are all Crash Nitro Kart sequel mobile content.
For her voice actress to replace the unknown one from CBNK2, either Debi Derryberry, Stephanie Sheh, or Misty Lee would voice her.
As for trailer and release, I think the trailer for Winter Festival will be out on December 11th, and December 13th is where it begins. Looking forward to play as Yaya next month! ^^