To celebrate 3000 followers on my pixiv (link below) I am doing a sale!! Come get your Boys, Girls, Cubs, Scalies, and all the etc!
SALE DETAILS: (See below for normal rates) - $5 Off if you message me (cyndiquill200) on Pixiv, following preferred but not required Pixiv Link: - Free Comic Book cover on Comic Commissions of 3 Pages or More (Each page must be 3 or more panels) - You can Choose one of the two below: - Either $10 off your 3rd character in a colored picture of 3 or more characters or - Get a free 1 character sketch with a purchase of 3 or more colored characters
And now the prices that the sale gets applied too (Just for a re-up)
Characters My Style: $10 Line Art – Per character $20 Colored Art – Per character
COMIC COMMISSIONS: It depends on amount of panels and characters. But it'll always start out at the base price for what you're looking for (lines only = $10 + etc.) A full algorithm and example priced comic is available upon request.
'STYLE' COMMISSIONS $25 - Line art 1 Character (+$25 for each extra character)
$35 - Colored Line Art 1 Character (+$30 for each extra character)
$30 - In Style Background (Non Colored)
$40 - In Style Colored Background
PRICE MAY VARY SLIGHTLY (sometimes lower) DEPENDING ON COMPLEXITY OF STYLE For Example "The Loud House" would probably cost less than “Super Sons” style shift.
PAYMENT METHOD: Paypal Invoice I will send you a rough (rough) sketch to you, once it's approved, I'll send an invoice.
TIME: 2 days to 2 weeks. I'll try let you know. I only work on NSFW/Commissions every OTHER day.
HOW TO REQUEST THE COMMISSION Send me a PM via Pixiv, Hiccears, Shotachan, Baraag, Inkbunny, Discord (PM for Discord tag), or e-mail me at
Please include specific references especially to the character and/or position The more specific the better.
OC welcome, but the time requirement for OC's is a bit longer.
AND AS ALWAYS Don't be afraid to ask questions but! Please be polite. :-3