A brief history of Delta - Delta's backstory
Delta Technologies is perhaps the most important company on the planet. It has been the cradle of the greatest technological advances of recent times. No other company matches it in terms of innovation and resources.
It was founded by three important characters: The wealthy businessman Valerian Blackford, the expert in robotics and artificial intelligence, Dr. Miranda Wong and the genius in cyborg technology, Dr. Igor Ivanov.
Since its inception, the company focused all its attention on the development of technologies that could improve people?s lives, either with the creation of robotic assistants or with important contributions to medicine through cyborg technology. In addition, the company also launched a program to finance independent projects and thus promote scientific interest among people. Their main advertising phrase was: "The world needs geniuses like you."
However, and despite all the above, the company also went through dark times. After the discovery that Delta secretly developed illegal weapons to later sell it on the black market, the company went into a terrible moral and financial crisis, which ended with an incident that would cause the tragic death of many of its workers, including its three founders.
After that tragedy, Delta?s actions collapsed, remaining on the verge of broken banking. However, over the years the company was able to rise from its ashes, rising again as a leader in innovation and regaining the confidence it had lost in the past. All this thanks to the timely intervention of two characters; the charismatic businessman Dorian Blackford and the eminence in nanorobotic Dr. Naomi Akari.
Delta currently continues to develop technologies to improve the world we live in, but it has also turned its attention to space exploration. With the construction of the Hyperion space station, Delta hopes to take the Mobians to new horizons among the stars.
Delta Technologies es quiza la compania mas importante del planeta. Ha sido la cuna de los mas grandes avances tecnologicos de los ultimos tiempos. Ninguna otra compania se le iguala en cuanto a innovacion y recursos.
Fue fundada por tres importantes personajes: El acaudalado empresario Valerian Blackford, la experta en robotica e inteligencia artificial, Dra. Miranda Wong y el genio de la tecnologia ciborg, Dr. Igor Ivanov.
Desde sus inicios la compania centro toda su atencion en el desarrollo de tecnologias que pudieran mejorar la vida de las personas, ya sea con la creacion de asistentes roboticos o con importantes aportes a la medicina mediante la tecnologia ciborg. Ademas, la compania tambien lanzo un programa para financiar proyectos independientes y asi promover el interes cientifico entre las personas. Su principal frase publicitaria era: "El mundo necesita genios como tu".
Sin embargo, y a pesar de todo lo anterior, la compania tambien paso por tiempos oscuros. Tras el descubrirse que Delta desarrollaba en secreto armamento ilegal para luego venderlo en el mercado negro, la compania entro en una terrible crisis moral y financiera, la cual termino con un incidente que provocaria la tragica muerte muchos de sus trabajadores, incluyendo a sus tres fundadores.
Despues de esa tragedia, las acciones de Delta se desplomaron, quedando al borde de la banca rota. Sin embargo, con el paso de los anos la compania pudo levantarse de sus cenizas, alzandose nuevamente como lider en innovacion y recuperando la confianza que habia perdido en el pasado. Todo esto gracias a la oportuna intervencion de dos personajes; el carismatico empresario Dorian Blackford y la eminencia en nano robotica Dra. Naomi Akari.
Actualmente Delta continua desarrollando tecnologias para mejorar el mundo en el que vivimos, pero tambien ha puesto su atencion en la exploracion espacial. Con la construccion de la estacion espacial Hyperion, Delta espera llevar a los Mobians a nuevos horizontes entre las estrellas.